Thursday, February 20, 2014

What is Culture of High Achievers?

  A couple of years ago I heard TJ Hoisington author of  "If You Think You Can!" speak. A must read by the way. :)  He went on to talk about the qualities of high achievers. Here are my notes from that special occasion:

#1. Think like a high achiever. You get in life what you think about. Never use the word "can't." You "can" live your dreams. It is possible! Our minds are very powerful, it's very important to not lock on to negativity. Negative thoughts can creep in. Be careful on what you dwell on.

#2. High achievers are willing to take a calculated risk. Sometimes we just know with a certain level of faith. Live on faith and be courageous. Fear is false evidence appearing real. Fear is the anticipation of the event turning out wrong, which many times is false.

 Close your eyes and imagine the outcome in a positive way. When we play the positive image in our mine our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real or make believe.

#3. Take talents and maximize them. Know thyself and capitalize on strengths. Utilize natural talents and abilities. Figure out your strengths and apply. Find out what works and spend 80% of you time with that.

#4. High achievers are learners. They read and listen to personal development. Critical to your achievement. The mind cannot have 2 apposing ideas at the same time.  Personal development is more than just reading a book. It is applying what you have learned. Ask a lot of questions. Show empathy. Create a new reality. It's ok to be different.

#5. High achievers demand excellence. A transformed body can be a transformed life. When everyone is resting you are still going. Achievers want to succeed. Let's get real and cut the playing down. Rewards go to the top 10%. No settling for mediocracy. Achievers are not passive they don't just get by.
 How do you carry yourself? SMILE! Change your physiology. Study high achievers. Work hard with your family as you do your business.
 Get clear about what you want to achieve. When your excited about it limitations will disappear.

#6. High achievers are master interpreters. They see opportunities that others can't see. They take risk and see that failure is just a stepping stone.

Hope you enjoyed this! :) I just gobble this stuff up! Love it!

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