Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Focusing of what you "can" do instead of focusing on what you "can't" do

Focusing of what you "can" do instead of focusing on what you "can't" do. What we focus on expands in our lives life.  Have you ever focused on your debt in your life and before you know it you're in more debt? I know I have in the past.  How about focusing on how to get out of debt instead of looking at the debt collectors letter and saying over and over to yourself "I am in a huge amount of debt!" "I am in a huge amount of debt!" I am the two most powerful words I believe. What ever you are telling yourself is true and will continue to be true until you start telling yourself something different.
Also, aligning yourself with people that lift you instead of bring you down.  Remember we are the average of the 5 people that we spend the most time with. If we are hanging out with someone who is finically not making it in life and taking advice from them, guess what it is just a matter of time before we are financially not making it as well.
Focusing, daily habits, and beliefs will shape our tomorrow. What are some wealth building habits that you do on a daily basis?

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