Monday, February 17, 2014

Are you managing your money? Or is your money managing you?

 My husband and I attended our first Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar about 2 1/2 years ago. It's a free 3 day seminar that has been life changing for us. Through out the seminar they taught us about a money management system or jar system. Basically you have 6 jars or 6 bank accounts to separate your money into.

Necessities:  50% of your income.

Long Term Savings:  10% of your income.

Financial Freedom Account: 10% of your income.

Give: 5% of your income
(can be 10% of your income if you prefer, if so take 5% out of your Necessity Jar)

Education: 10% of your income.

Play: 10% of your income.

My husband and I decide to tithe 10% of our income so we live on 45% of our income when it comes to Necessities. Necessities are rent, mortgage, food, utilities ect..

To simplify was the hardest part! Pride gets in the way big time.

 It is awesome to have this system in place. My husband and I sit down once a month and go over our finances with this system. It is the best feeling in the world to be in control. I can safely say that because, I "was" out of control with my spending.

It is great for the saver money personality,  because it gives them an opportunity to look at the play jar and have some fun.

 We love this system and because we follow it, we have fun with the play jar but at the same time have money left over to hold and grow.

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