Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Artificial Insemination ~ The Beginning of My Journey

 I feel like I want to share my experience and journey with infertility -ouch at the age of 39 almost 40. There are so many utube videos on the subject that have helped me in a unique way,  of just not feeling alone or that I'm not the only one going through this. I know my husband and I are getting older and this may just be the way it is and I'm understanding of that. My husband will be 41 in a couple of days he has never had children. He is one of 8. lol the doctor said oh yes there is good fertility on his side. lol! I have a 9 year old from a previous relationship. My husband and I have been married for 2 1/2 years.
 So on Feb 3, 2014 I had my first appointment with my fertility doctor. Doctor Jane Frederick in Newport Beach. Her address is 500 Superior Avenue Suite 210 Newport Beach CA, 92663. The facility name is HRC Fertility. She was referred by a niece on my husbands side. It's a beautiful office with an amazing staff. I was impressed the minute I stepped foot in the office. Come to find out that people come from all of the the world for this facility. I was speaking to Beverly who is the patient advocate and she said a lot of people come from Europe and Australia. I thought how fortunate I am to have this facility just about 5 minutes away.
My first consultation was sure overwhelming with lots of information.  Dr. Federick talked about family history first and some of the things that could be preventing me from getting pregnant. No more hot tubes lol for both of us! Of course she talked about some of the things that could be going on with the uterus. She also recommended Naturally Smart Vitamins for men and women. I actually just got these in the mail today. A 30 day supply for a bottle for me and my husband is $137.30 that included tax and shipping. Pretty pricey but of corse at our age we want to do anything she recommends and take any precautions. 3 vitamins a day for the woman and 6 vitamins a day for the man.
 After meeting with Dr. Frederick I went into another room and talked with an IVF coordinator.  She explained the necessary tests that will have to be taken. One of the tests is called the HSG test. Yikes this particular one does not sound like fun. They shoot a dye up in your uterus and take an X-ray  to see what the heck is going on in there.
Before I left the office I took some blood tests. They took 5 vials of blood. They tested for LH, pituitary gonadotropin, TSH (Thyroid Stim, Hormone, PRL (Prolactin) Thyroxine Total,  Hepatitis B Surface, Hepatitis B Core Anitbody, HIV1 and 2, Rubella IgG(RubellaG). Now, I wait to take another blood test and the dreaded HSG test. I will keep you posted on this journey after these tests.
I have Blue Shield health insurance through Covered California it's an ultimate PPO I pay a lovely $390.00 a month for this insurance. So now I'm also waiting for the financial coordinator from HRC Fertility to get back with me as she is waiting for my benefits to pull up on her end. I will speak with her to see what is covered and what is not......

Here are Dr. Frederick recommended websites:

Fun new terminology to learn:

IVF- In Vetro Fertilization
IUI- Artificial Insemination

HSG-  Hysterosalpingogram

Hope this helps with anyone else that is dealing with infertility :) I will keep you posted!

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