Mission Statement: To add value to other people's lives and make a difference in their progression.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Visualization ~ does it really work?
I have a strong belief that visualizing does work. I use it every moment I can think of. Have my results from visualizing work instantly? Sometime yes, but sometimes it does take a little time.
Start visualizing the life you want. It really does work. Studies show that visualizing works. Basketball players use this, golfers use this and many other athletes use this technique. When we visualize it creates a new nero pathway. Simulate the experience as if already achieved. The subconscience mind does not know the difference between make believe and real. Practice making a right choice of success in your mind.
Relax, clear your mind and simulate. It's important also in your visualization to use all 5 senses. Touch, smell, feel, hear and taste.
Try it, remember it all starts with just one minute a day. Master one minute a day then go on to master more minutes. Before you know it you won't be abel to go with out a day of visualizing.
If you miss a day its ok just pick it back up and don't be so hard on yourself. :)
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Easy Goal Planning by Napoleon Hill
Have you ever done this goal planning exercise by Napoleon Hill famous author of Think and Grow Rich?
Write this out, and fill in the blanks!
"By the first day of xxxxx.... ( fill in your personal date) I will have in my possession $xxxxx, ( fill in the amount you desire) which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
"In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality of service in the capacity of salesman of xxxxxx ( describe the service or merchandise you intend to sell).
"I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I deliver the service I intend to render in return for it. I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan, when it is received."
Napoleon Hill says in his book to read this at night before going to bed and in the morning when you rise. To have a written copy, so you can see it and to memorize it.
Write this out, and fill in the blanks!
"By the first day of xxxxx.... ( fill in your personal date) I will have in my possession $xxxxx, ( fill in the amount you desire) which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
"In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality of service in the capacity of salesman of xxxxxx ( describe the service or merchandise you intend to sell).
"I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I deliver the service I intend to render in return for it. I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan, when it is received."
Napoleon Hill says in his book to read this at night before going to bed and in the morning when you rise. To have a written copy, so you can see it and to memorize it.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Have you ever quit 3 feet from gold?
Napoleon Hill famous author of Think and Grow Rich talked about a gentelman named R.U. Darby, a gold prospector. R.U. Darby became very frustrated when he tried and tried to strike gold. He thought the gold had ran out. Eventually he ended up selling his gold claim. He sold it to the towns junkman. The junkman decided to team up with some specialists. Guess what, if R.U. Darby would have just dug only 3 more feet he would have hit gold. He gave up his dream 3 feet from gold! Rather than being frustrated Darby went on to build a successful insurance empire.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Drinking Water ~ It's so simple right?
It's so simple, drink more water and feel better. It is such a simple concept yet so many of us forget. I still need daily reminders. 76% of our brain is water. When we don't drink enough water it brings on fatigue. Drinking water is a great way to actually loose weight as well. Sage, Tony Robin's wife says to drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces. So if your 140 pounds that would be 70 oz of water.
I know when I drink the correct amount of water during the day, I feel more energized. My skin looks better. I feel more healthy. When I start to feel any fatigue during the day I will grab a glass of water and remind my self I need to drink more through out the day.
I know when I drink the correct amount of water during the day, I feel more energized. My skin looks better. I feel more healthy. When I start to feel any fatigue during the day I will grab a glass of water and remind my self I need to drink more through out the day.
Get in the flow of life
As I was driving to the Quest Lab this morning to take some blood tests, half way there I remembered I left my drivers license at home. I immediately got tense and felt I needed to rush back to get it. Then I remembered to just take a deep breathe, relax, saying to myself it is ok. I changed my tense hurried state into a peaceful relaxed state. The "flow" then began. Driving back, I found a parking space easily and effortlessly. When I arrived to the Quest Lab they took me in right away. I waited honestly 2 minutes. She took my blood quickly and with zero discomfort. She did a great job. I felt in the flow with no resistance at all. My point is to find the flow and ride it. It is a wonderful feeling!
"Great advice for living an unhurried life."
By Witter Bynner
"How can a man's life keep its course
If he will not let it flow?
Those who flow as life flows know
They need no other force:
They feel no wear, they feel no tear,
They need no mending, no repair."
"Great advice for living an unhurried life."
By Witter Bynner
Monday, February 24, 2014
Set an intention and detach from outcome! It really works!
Two things that I know work and sometimes I need to be reminded of doing. 1. Set an intention before you get the day started. 2. Be unattached to the outcome.
I did these two things today and had one of the most successful days actually went above and beyond from my original intention that I set for today.
I will celebrate my success! Success also breads success!
Has this ever happened to you?
"Live with out attachment by being generous.
Let go of evaluating yourself on the basis of how much you've accumulate and what is in your financial portfolio. Stop putting a dollar value on all that you have and do. Let go of your need to get a "good deal" and choose instead to be a being of sharing. You'll be happily surprised by how nice it feels to simply change your belief that you're only successful if your making money. The less you focus on making a profit - instead shifting your energy to living your purpose in harmony with everyone else - the more money will flow to you and the more opportunities for generosity will be available to you"
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
I did these two things today and had one of the most successful days actually went above and beyond from my original intention that I set for today.
I will celebrate my success! Success also breads success!
Has this ever happened to you?
"Live with out attachment by being generous.
Let go of evaluating yourself on the basis of how much you've accumulate and what is in your financial portfolio. Stop putting a dollar value on all that you have and do. Let go of your need to get a "good deal" and choose instead to be a being of sharing. You'll be happily surprised by how nice it feels to simply change your belief that you're only successful if your making money. The less you focus on making a profit - instead shifting your energy to living your purpose in harmony with everyone else - the more money will flow to you and the more opportunities for generosity will be available to you"
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
I had the wealth matrix backwards
So many of us have the wealth matrix backwards. I know I did, until I started listening to what successful people did to become successful. I remember when I had the opportunity to see Nik Halik speak a multi millionaire, astronaut, author and speaker. Here are my notes from that day:
~ Nik Halik has 14 income streams
~ Script your life many of us are extras
~ Make your own personal economy
~ We are programmed to have just one source of income
~ Programmed to have debt, pay off debt, and then programmed to retire
~ He says to never ever retire
~ What most people do: Income then lifestyle (that is financial cancer)
~ Wealth matrix= Income then Growth then Momentum then Lifestyle
~ Poorest people in the world use hope and wish
~ You are in control of your investments
~ Learn to have cash-flow anywhere in the world
~ Make money anywhere in the world
~ We have an 8-11 year cycle
~ People have greed, fear and indecision and this can determine the market
~ Important to learn to have cash-flow
~ 70% of investments should be cash-flow based
~ 95% speculate in the market
~ Don't use income to speculate
~ If the stock market is up in January then the rest of the year is up including real estate
~ Nik Halik has 14 income streams
~ Script your life many of us are extras
~ Make your own personal economy
~ We are programmed to have just one source of income
~ Programmed to have debt, pay off debt, and then programmed to retire
~ He says to never ever retire
~ What most people do: Income then lifestyle (that is financial cancer)
~ Wealth matrix= Income then Growth then Momentum then Lifestyle
~ Poorest people in the world use hope and wish
~ You are in control of your investments
~ Learn to have cash-flow anywhere in the world
~ Make money anywhere in the world
~ We have an 8-11 year cycle
~ People have greed, fear and indecision and this can determine the market
~ Important to learn to have cash-flow
~ 70% of investments should be cash-flow based
~ 95% speculate in the market
~ Don't use income to speculate
~ If the stock market is up in January then the rest of the year is up including real estate
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Failure ~ Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich!
"A student of this science had set his mind on making a certain business combination which seemed to him at the time to be very desirable, and he worked for some, weeks to bring it about. When the crucial time came, the thing failed in a perfectly inexplicable way; it was as if some unseen influence had been working secretly against him. He was not disappointed; on the contrary, he thanked God that his desire had been overruled, and went steadily on with a grateful mind. In a few weeks an opportunity so much better came his way that he wouldn't have made the first deal on any account; and he saw that a Mind which knew more that he knew had prevented him from losing the greater good by entangling himself with the lesser.
That is the way every seeming failure will work out for you, if you keep your faith, hold to your purpose, have gratitude, and do every day, all that can be done that day, doing each separate act in a successful manner.
When you make a failure, it is because you have not asked for enough: keep on, and a larger thing then you were seeking will certainly come to you. Remember this."
Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich!
Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it a Seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit ~ Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
That is the way every seeming failure will work out for you, if you keep your faith, hold to your purpose, have gratitude, and do every day, all that can be done that day, doing each separate act in a successful manner.
When you make a failure, it is because you have not asked for enough: keep on, and a larger thing then you were seeking will certainly come to you. Remember this."
Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich!
Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it a Seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit ~ Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
How to get rich! By Wallace D. Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich
"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imagined by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and hold this picture in his thoughts with the fixed PURPOSE to get what he wants, and the unwavering FAITH that he does get what he wants, closing his mind against all that may tend to shake his purpose, dim his vision, or quench his faith.
And in addition to all this, we shall now see that he must live and act in a Certain Way."
By Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich
A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imagined by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and hold this picture in his thoughts with the fixed PURPOSE to get what he wants, and the unwavering FAITH that he does get what he wants, closing his mind against all that may tend to shake his purpose, dim his vision, or quench his faith.
And in addition to all this, we shall now see that he must live and act in a Certain Way."
By Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich
Friday, February 21, 2014
Keith Cunningham the real "Rich Dad" Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad talks about in his famous book.
Keith Cunningham is the real rich dad that Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad talks about in his famous book. I had the honor to hear him speak. He is only worth 100 million dollars or more. Here are my notes:
Billionaires schedule time to think.
Success is a lousy teacher.
Markets go up and down.
Business and investing is an intellectual sport.
Most people use their emotions when it comes to money.
Not asking questions is not good.
What could go right?
What could go wrong?
Can I live with the downside?
The power of thinking and the power of questions, most important part.
Debate, argue both sides.
Most of our mistakes where self inflicted.
The key to getting rich is to not do dumb things.
The goal isn't to get rich the goal is to get rich and keep it..
Don't lead with your money, lead with your education.
Keith Cunningham reads 3 books a week.
Life is like a university.
He paid 100 million for his university ( he lost all his money at one time)
Everything you want lies outside of your comfort zone.
The only constant is change.
We let perfect get in the way of possible.
Learn how to keep your riches that is harder than making your riches.
The people with the best life have made the best choices.
How do you improve your choices? Learning/education.
Hell on earth is the man or woman you could have become.
Keith Cunningham talked about how he had a "thinking chair." This chair was specifically for his thinking time. He also had his special note pad and pen at this chair. He said wealthy people take the time to think and ponder.
Billionaires schedule time to think.
Success is a lousy teacher.
Markets go up and down.
Business and investing is an intellectual sport.
Most people use their emotions when it comes to money.
Not asking questions is not good.
What could go right?
What could go wrong?
Can I live with the downside?
The power of thinking and the power of questions, most important part.
Debate, argue both sides.
Most of our mistakes where self inflicted.
The key to getting rich is to not do dumb things.
The goal isn't to get rich the goal is to get rich and keep it..
Don't lead with your money, lead with your education.
Keith Cunningham reads 3 books a week.
Life is like a university.
He paid 100 million for his university ( he lost all his money at one time)
Everything you want lies outside of your comfort zone.
The only constant is change.
We let perfect get in the way of possible.
Learn how to keep your riches that is harder than making your riches.
The people with the best life have made the best choices.
How do you improve your choices? Learning/education.
Hell on earth is the man or woman you could have become.
Keith Cunningham talked about how he had a "thinking chair." This chair was specifically for his thinking time. He also had his special note pad and pen at this chair. He said wealthy people take the time to think and ponder.
Witty Quotes
"It's not enough to be in the right place at the right time, you must be the right person in the right place at the right time." ~ T. Harv Eker
"The key to success is to raise your own energy. When you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill 'em." ~ Stuart Wilde
"Feel the fear and do it anyways." ~ Susan Jeffers
"The bigger the "why" the easier the "how" ~ Jim Rohn
"Holding on to anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die." ~ Unknown
Do you have any favorite quotes to share?
"The key to success is to raise your own energy. When you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill 'em." ~ Stuart Wilde
"Feel the fear and do it anyways." ~ Susan Jeffers
"The bigger the "why" the easier the "how" ~ Jim Rohn
"Holding on to anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die." ~ Unknown
Do you have any favorite quotes to share?
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Let your light shine!
There is no such thing as an accident. Out of millions of sperms, YOU won the race! You are a unique human being with unique talents and gifts. It's time to use your gifts to share with the world. The world needs you! No time to shrink your light!
Our comfort zone in life equals our money zone and health zone. Let's get out of the box and stretch ourselves. When that little negative voice starts, just say "thank you for sharing!" The mind is a parachute keep it open. Your heart has answers. Stay in the present. Finish what you complete.
You are amazing in your life, believe it. What's stopping you from your potential?
The first step to change is awareness!
Everything is energy!
How you do anything is how you do everything! ~ T Harv. Eker
Why aren't people financially free? It's because we are creatures of habits.
There are 2 types of habits doing and not doing!
Work on the most important tool the mind!
Our comfort zone in life equals our money zone and health zone. Let's get out of the box and stretch ourselves. When that little negative voice starts, just say "thank you for sharing!" The mind is a parachute keep it open. Your heart has answers. Stay in the present. Finish what you complete.
You are amazing in your life, believe it. What's stopping you from your potential?
The first step to change is awareness!
Everything is energy!
How you do anything is how you do everything! ~ T Harv. Eker
Why aren't people financially free? It's because we are creatures of habits.
There are 2 types of habits doing and not doing!
Work on the most important tool the mind!
― Max Lucado, The Christmas Candle- You weren't mass produced. You aren't an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the earth by the Master Craftsman.”
What is Culture of High Achievers?
A couple of years ago I heard TJ Hoisington author of "If You Think You Can!" speak. A must read by the way. :) He went on to talk about the qualities of high achievers. Here are my notes from that special occasion:
#1. Think like a high achiever. You get in life what you think about. Never use the word "can't." You "can" live your dreams. It is possible! Our minds are very powerful, it's very important to not lock on to negativity. Negative thoughts can creep in. Be careful on what you dwell on.
#2. High achievers are willing to take a calculated risk. Sometimes we just know with a certain level of faith. Live on faith and be courageous. Fear is false evidence appearing real. Fear is the anticipation of the event turning out wrong, which many times is false.
Close your eyes and imagine the outcome in a positive way. When we play the positive image in our mine our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real or make believe.
#3. Take talents and maximize them. Know thyself and capitalize on strengths. Utilize natural talents and abilities. Figure out your strengths and apply. Find out what works and spend 80% of you time with that.
#4. High achievers are learners. They read and listen to personal development. Critical to your achievement. The mind cannot have 2 apposing ideas at the same time. Personal development is more than just reading a book. It is applying what you have learned. Ask a lot of questions. Show empathy. Create a new reality. It's ok to be different.
#5. High achievers demand excellence. A transformed body can be a transformed life. When everyone is resting you are still going. Achievers want to succeed. Let's get real and cut the playing down. Rewards go to the top 10%. No settling for mediocracy. Achievers are not passive they don't just get by.
How do you carry yourself? SMILE! Change your physiology. Study high achievers. Work hard with your family as you do your business.
Get clear about what you want to achieve. When your excited about it limitations will disappear.
#6. High achievers are master interpreters. They see opportunities that others can't see. They take risk and see that failure is just a stepping stone.
Hope you enjoyed this! :) I just gobble this stuff up! Love it!
#1. Think like a high achiever. You get in life what you think about. Never use the word "can't." You "can" live your dreams. It is possible! Our minds are very powerful, it's very important to not lock on to negativity. Negative thoughts can creep in. Be careful on what you dwell on.
#2. High achievers are willing to take a calculated risk. Sometimes we just know with a certain level of faith. Live on faith and be courageous. Fear is false evidence appearing real. Fear is the anticipation of the event turning out wrong, which many times is false.
Close your eyes and imagine the outcome in a positive way. When we play the positive image in our mine our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real or make believe.
#3. Take talents and maximize them. Know thyself and capitalize on strengths. Utilize natural talents and abilities. Figure out your strengths and apply. Find out what works and spend 80% of you time with that.
#4. High achievers are learners. They read and listen to personal development. Critical to your achievement. The mind cannot have 2 apposing ideas at the same time. Personal development is more than just reading a book. It is applying what you have learned. Ask a lot of questions. Show empathy. Create a new reality. It's ok to be different.
#5. High achievers demand excellence. A transformed body can be a transformed life. When everyone is resting you are still going. Achievers want to succeed. Let's get real and cut the playing down. Rewards go to the top 10%. No settling for mediocracy. Achievers are not passive they don't just get by.
How do you carry yourself? SMILE! Change your physiology. Study high achievers. Work hard with your family as you do your business.
Get clear about what you want to achieve. When your excited about it limitations will disappear.
#6. High achievers are master interpreters. They see opportunities that others can't see. They take risk and see that failure is just a stepping stone.
Hope you enjoyed this! :) I just gobble this stuff up! Love it!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Ping My URL ~ Review
www.pingmyurl.com is a site where you may ping your personal website. They will ping it to 1569 different sites.
I'm completely new to driving traffic to my website. If you know something I don't know please comment below. Does www.pingmyurl.com work? Are they authentic views to your website? How many times a day can you ping your site? I really don't know. Really the only thing I do know is that when I make a post on my blog and go to www.pingmyurl.com I get about 30 extra visits a day. If I post two blog posts and ping again I get between 40 and 60 extra visits a day.
I'm new to all this terminology back links, pinging your website ect. ect.
Anyone have any insight?

I'm completely new to driving traffic to my website. If you know something I don't know please comment below. Does www.pingmyurl.com work? Are they authentic views to your website? How many times a day can you ping your site? I really don't know. Really the only thing I do know is that when I make a post on my blog and go to www.pingmyurl.com I get about 30 extra visits a day. If I post two blog posts and ping again I get between 40 and 60 extra visits a day.
I'm new to all this terminology back links, pinging your website ect. ect.
Anyone have any insight?
Strategic planning! Is it ok to rewrite your 5 year vision statement?
I think so! I wrote a 5 year vision statement and posted it back in 2013 and felt that there was some changes that needed to take place. I believe that it is ok, life changes and dreams change. Opportunities change! I love the quote by Joel "let go of what's not attracting you!"
So here is my new 5 year vision statement with just a couple of subtle changes. What is your 5 year vision statement? It's important to post it so you may read each and every day. It's best when you wake up and when you go to sleep at night.
Jeff and I are healthy, eat healthy with our personal chef and work out regularly.
All of the goals I have written out in the past have come to pass. The pictures on my dream board did manifest. I am truly thankful and grateful for all that LegalShield's personal development has taught me. What you think about does comes about!!! I’m living proof!
So here is my new 5 year vision statement with just a couple of subtle changes. What is your 5 year vision statement? It's important to post it so you may read each and every day. It's best when you wake up and when you go to sleep at night.
We have retired Jeff’s mom and dad Judy and Eddie. We also retired my mom Barbara. They live a beautiful lifestyle. Their mortgages are paid for and they get to travel wherever they want, when they want to. They have no financial concerns. We are all financially free. We have more passive income coming in, more than our bills.
Jeff, Brooke and I live on the ocean with an infinity pool. Our home is custom made, I can smell the new paint and wood floors. Our kitchen is beautiful with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops. I can hear the ocean waves crashing now.
Our children have their friends over often. Our children love their activities and are good at them. They are involved in music lessons, cheerleading, golfing, and snowboarding. What ever they choose we have the time freedom to support them.
Our children have their friends over often. Our children love their activities and are good at them. They are involved in music lessons, cheerleading, golfing, and snowboarding. What ever they choose we have the time freedom to support them.
Our dog is so sweet she doesn't even bark in the background.
We are leaving for our 3 month trip to Fiji packing our bags now.
Jeff and I are healthy, eat healthy with our personal chef and work out regularly.
We have a home in Fiji and in the mountains with the snow.
Jeff loves to eat sushi and is an excellent snowboarder. We go snowboarding often when we are visiting our mountain home.
We have traveled the world. We just got back from Spain were Jeff served a mission when he was 20.
Jeff and I have such an abundance of money we have built a rehab center for chemically dependent people.
We have also built a school with personal development as a main focus. A school that actually teaches how to survive in the real world and how to make smart choices with money. A school with compassionate teacher that teach well.
Our children are well educated and have traveled all around the world. They are strong in the gospel. They are confident and have completed the quantum leap program at peak potentials and are well prepared financially and spiritually to enjoy life.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Millionaire Mind Intensive in Anaheim ~ Feb 28th- March 2nd 2014
I received an email from Peak Potentials. It's that time again. The 3 day seminar will be in our back yard again. This time in Anaheim! Check it out!
Who's Financial Life Would
You Like To Help Change?
Hi Nicole,
How many people do you know who have talked about needing or wanting to do thinks like:
"Reduce my debt"
"Earn more money"
"Improve cash flow"
"Save more money"
Chances are strong that you know someone who is looking to "Create greater financial success".
And this is your chance to to help them make massive changes in 2014. It all starts with one weekend of intensive learning...
As a Graduate of the Millionaire Mind Intensive, we'd like to offer you complimentary tickets to reattend the Millionaire Mind Intensive that's coming to Calgary from February 28 - March 2, 2014. And we'd like to invite you to bring your friends, family and colleagues so that they can learn how to create massive wealth too!
The Millionaire Mind Intensive was designed to deliver on four key objectives:
If you or your friends are serious about your financial future then grab your complimentary tickets to the Millionaire Mind Intensive now.
Millionaire Mind Intensive Anaheim
February 28 - March 2, 2014
The Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort
How to make money on ebay
Up for buy it now!
Personal guide on how I have been successful with ebay!
Dear ebay entrepreneurs,
My name is Nicole LeBaron and have been selling on ebay since 2002. I have been able to net consistently up to 15,000 a month with ebay. When I say net I mean pure profit after ebay, paypal and shipping fees. I want to share with you a simple straight forward personal guide on how I have been able to achieve this. What books I have read and what website I use to purchase my inventory. I will mail you a 4 page printed personal guide that I have personally written.
You may be asking why would she be giving away her secrets. The answer is I love helping people! For all the mommies that want to stay home with their children and their love language is quality time this is for you. For all the daddies that want the same this is for you. For all the people that need extra income to pay off their debt this is for you. If your just looking for an extra $500.00 a month this is for you. For the people that really want to go big and net a big six figure income this is for you. If I can do it so can you. With a little research, time and preparation you can do this. I believe in you! This is not a get rich quick scheme this is my personal story with my personal information that I use to make money with ebay. Please look at my feedback and buy with confidence.
You may take just one idea from me and run with it and it could possibly make you $1000.00s of dollars. I'm a believer of learning from the people that have been where you want to be. Success is right outside your comfort zone! Take action now!
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Gratitude Quotes
~I'm grateful for the children making noise outside, it means I have ears to hear.
~I'm grateful for the carpet that needs vacuuming, it means I have a home.
~I'm grateful for the expensive gas to put in my car it means I have a vehicle.
~I'm grateful for my electricity bill, it means I have lights to see when I'm at home.
~I'm grateful to do my laundry, it means I have clothes to wear.
~I'm grateful to clean my dirty dishes, it means I have food to eat.
~I'm grateful for my bills to pay, it means I have money.
~I'm grateful for the pain in my shoulder, it means I'm still alive.
What are you grateful for today? :)
~I'm grateful for the carpet that needs vacuuming, it means I have a home.
~I'm grateful for the expensive gas to put in my car it means I have a vehicle.
~I'm grateful for my electricity bill, it means I have lights to see when I'm at home.
~I'm grateful to do my laundry, it means I have clothes to wear.
~I'm grateful to clean my dirty dishes, it means I have food to eat.
~I'm grateful for my bills to pay, it means I have money.
~I'm grateful for the pain in my shoulder, it means I'm still alive.
What are you grateful for today? :)
Who are you?
This is a great assignment that Chris Hughes had us do through one of his personal development classes that I took a couple of years ago. He had us write a paragraph answering the question "who am I?"
Here is mine:
Who am I?
I am a unique human being created with unique special gifts. I am not here to play small on this planet or shrink my light. I am here to play big and add value to other peoples lives. I have a story to share with others to help strengthen others. I am a loving wife and mother. I continue to help others and help them achieve great success?
Who are you?
It's a great exercise and something to post to help get rid of the negative chatter. It will definitely create that higher vibration within you.
Here is mine:
Who am I?
I am a unique human being created with unique special gifts. I am not here to play small on this planet or shrink my light. I am here to play big and add value to other peoples lives. I have a story to share with others to help strengthen others. I am a loving wife and mother. I continue to help others and help them achieve great success?
Who are you?
It's a great exercise and something to post to help get rid of the negative chatter. It will definitely create that higher vibration within you.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Are you managing your money? Or is your money managing you?
My husband and I attended our first Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar about 2 1/2 years ago. It's a free 3 day seminar that has been life changing for us. Through out the seminar they taught us about a money management system or jar system. Basically you have 6 jars or 6 bank accounts to separate your money into.
Necessities: 50% of your income.
Long Term Savings: 10% of your income.
Financial Freedom Account: 10% of your income.
Give: 5% of your income
(can be 10% of your income if you prefer, if so take 5% out of your Necessity Jar)
Education: 10% of your income.
Play: 10% of your income.
My husband and I decide to tithe 10% of our income so we live on 45% of our income when it comes to Necessities. Necessities are rent, mortgage, food, utilities ect..
To simplify was the hardest part! Pride gets in the way big time.
It is awesome to have this system in place. My husband and I sit down once a month and go over our finances with this system. It is the best feeling in the world to be in control. I can safely say that because, I "was" out of control with my spending.
It is great for the saver money personality, because it gives them an opportunity to look at the play jar and have some fun.
We love this system and because we follow it, we have fun with the play jar but at the same time have money left over to hold and grow.
Necessities: 50% of your income.
Long Term Savings: 10% of your income.
Financial Freedom Account: 10% of your income.
Give: 5% of your income
(can be 10% of your income if you prefer, if so take 5% out of your Necessity Jar)
Education: 10% of your income.
Play: 10% of your income.
My husband and I decide to tithe 10% of our income so we live on 45% of our income when it comes to Necessities. Necessities are rent, mortgage, food, utilities ect..
To simplify was the hardest part! Pride gets in the way big time.
It is awesome to have this system in place. My husband and I sit down once a month and go over our finances with this system. It is the best feeling in the world to be in control. I can safely say that because, I "was" out of control with my spending.
It is great for the saver money personality, because it gives them an opportunity to look at the play jar and have some fun.
We love this system and because we follow it, we have fun with the play jar but at the same time have money left over to hold and grow.
What do you want? I mean really, really want?
Let's say no to a lack luster life and start saying yes to what we really, really want in life! We were created to enjoy an abundant life. Let's start saying no mediocracy.
Our mind is very powerful, it all starts with our thinking. The things we tend to think about in life will tend to show up in our life. It's important to think about the positive in life instead of the negative. It takes practice.
Do we want strikes in this life or hits in this life. Practice thinking about the hits. Turn on the dream machine and go for it!
It's important to write our goals out, post them every where to see them with an end date attached to them. Also, with goals we may write them out and at the end quote " or something better." An example is "I want 10,000.00 a month coming in passively or something better"
Here is a portion on my dream list:
~Time freedom with our children
~Involvement in our children's activities -school and extra activities
~Live in Fiji for 3 months, then California for 3 months - rotate
~Snowboard anytime we want
~Golf anytime we want
~Savings and retirement
~To be financially free, meaning more passive income is coming in than our expenses.
~To have massive passive income
~Or something better!
It's interesting I wrote this dream list about 2 years ago and many of these have already come true. Still working on ~ Live in Fiji for 3 months then California 3 months - rotate LOL!!
What do you want? I mean really, really want? Remember you deserve it!
Our mind is very powerful, it all starts with our thinking. The things we tend to think about in life will tend to show up in our life. It's important to think about the positive in life instead of the negative. It takes practice.
Do we want strikes in this life or hits in this life. Practice thinking about the hits. Turn on the dream machine and go for it!
It's important to write our goals out, post them every where to see them with an end date attached to them. Also, with goals we may write them out and at the end quote " or something better." An example is "I want 10,000.00 a month coming in passively or something better"
Here is a portion on my dream list:
~Time freedom with our children
~Involvement in our children's activities -school and extra activities
~Live in Fiji for 3 months, then California for 3 months - rotate
~Snowboard anytime we want
~Golf anytime we want
~Savings and retirement
~To be financially free, meaning more passive income is coming in than our expenses.
~To have massive passive income
~Or something better!
It's interesting I wrote this dream list about 2 years ago and many of these have already come true. Still working on ~ Live in Fiji for 3 months then California 3 months - rotate LOL!!
What do you want? I mean really, really want? Remember you deserve it!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Did you know that having things that need to be done are energy drainers or zappers? What ever it may be, every time you look at it, it will pull your energy down. Examples could be getting the weeds out of the garden, cleaning that shower out, looking at the ugly drapes that you really can't stand. LOL!
What ever it may be every time we look at it our vibration within our body drops.
To attract more in our life we want to be in a higher vibration. The more we are in this state the sooner we will attract the things that we desire in our lives.
It doesn't happen overnight to get our undones, done. One step at a time, one day at a time. As you start and finish with each project you will begin to feel free within!
What are some of the undones that need to be taken care of in your life?
What ever it may be every time we look at it our vibration within our body drops.
To attract more in our life we want to be in a higher vibration. The more we are in this state the sooner we will attract the things that we desire in our lives.
It doesn't happen overnight to get our undones, done. One step at a time, one day at a time. As you start and finish with each project you will begin to feel free within!
What are some of the undones that need to be taken care of in your life?
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Saturday, February 15, 2014
10 out of 1000 people have heard about a value statement. It is a major separation between us and the masses. What it is, is one sentence that describes you. Something to post and look at to help strengthen you, to get rid of the negative non supporting thoughts.
My personal value statement. What is yours? :)
Abundance: I personally have much abundance in this world to better contribute to others as well as church, school, and community.
Acceptance: I am accepted and modeled after because of my great example.
Accomplishment: I have accomplished my goals beyond what I thought I was capable of doing.
Ambition: My ambition has exceeded my apathy.
Appreciation: I appreciate all that I have now.
Meekness: I am meek in all that I do.
Mellowness: I am mellow and easy going.
Learning: I am continuing learning every day.
Knowledge: I have great knowledge, I can share with others to help them progress.
Joy: I have great joy because I have created harmony in my life.
Intelligence: I have exercised my brain, there for have a great memory.
Inspiration: I am a great inspiration to others.
Influence: I have great knowledge and great communication skills there fore I have great influence.
My personal value statement. What is yours? :)
Abundance: I personally have much abundance in this world to better contribute to others as well as church, school, and community.
Acceptance: I am accepted and modeled after because of my great example.
Accomplishment: I have accomplished my goals beyond what I thought I was capable of doing.
Ambition: My ambition has exceeded my apathy.
Appreciation: I appreciate all that I have now.
Meekness: I am meek in all that I do.
Mellowness: I am mellow and easy going.
Learning: I am continuing learning every day.
Knowledge: I have great knowledge, I can share with others to help them progress.
Joy: I have great joy because I have created harmony in my life.
Intelligence: I have exercised my brain, there for have a great memory.
Inspiration: I am a great inspiration to others.
Influence: I have great knowledge and great communication skills there fore I have great influence.
Awhile back ago I took an online personal development corse by Chris Hughes. In module 2 of his program he asked a question of why people get stuck financially. He asked us to identify why we are getting stuck. Really it could be about, why we are getting stuck in just about anything in our life. 95% of the reason people get stuck is they fall into certain categories. Examples are laziness, distractions, habits of blaming, excuses, fears, self sabotage and the list goes on.
Which do you struggle with? Laziness, distractions, lack of discipline, lack of education, the habit of blaming others, making excuses, broken or wrong focus, fears, negative and limiting beliefs, blind spots, emotional pain, and or self sabotage?
My personal struggles are distractions, making excuses, fears, blind spots, emotional pain, self sabotage.
From taking this corse I realized I needed to be aware of these, make mental note when they came into place and change. Reasons being so that I could grow and progress financially and in other areas of my life.
Remember the first step to change is awareness.
Which do you struggle with? Laziness, distractions, lack of discipline, lack of education, the habit of blaming others, making excuses, broken or wrong focus, fears, negative and limiting beliefs, blind spots, emotional pain, and or self sabotage?
My personal struggles are distractions, making excuses, fears, blind spots, emotional pain, self sabotage.
From taking this corse I realized I needed to be aware of these, make mental note when they came into place and change. Reasons being so that I could grow and progress financially and in other areas of my life.
Remember the first step to change is awareness.
Have you written out your dream day? One great exercise I have learned through personal development is to not only visualize your dream day with all five senses but to actually write it out. To post it somewhere and look at it every day. Here is what my dream day looks like. What does your dream day look like? Remember it takes the same amount of energy to dream small as it does to dream big, so dream big!
A perfect day looks like this:
I am waking up and hearing the waves crashing, the sun is shinning bright. I open the windows, feel the breeze coming through and take a deep breathe to smell the ocean air. I have my healthy breakfast and get on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I can run longer than when I first started. I love excersing my heart.
The house is clean, immaculate, no clutter.
We are financially free. Our income exceeds our expenses. Our financial famine was a thing of the past, its over.
We get to tithe more and contribute more. We serve in the church and have the time freedom to do so and love it!
We are getting ready to travel to our home in Fiji. We have contributed much to the children of Fiji and have made a huge difference in their lives.
Our parents are financially free and live a worry free, financially free life.
Life is good! I love my life!
A perfect day looks like this:
I am waking up and hearing the waves crashing, the sun is shinning bright. I open the windows, feel the breeze coming through and take a deep breathe to smell the ocean air. I have my healthy breakfast and get on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I can run longer than when I first started. I love excersing my heart.
The house is clean, immaculate, no clutter.
We are financially free. Our income exceeds our expenses. Our financial famine was a thing of the past, its over.
We get to tithe more and contribute more. We serve in the church and have the time freedom to do so and love it!
We are getting ready to travel to our home in Fiji. We have contributed much to the children of Fiji and have made a huge difference in their lives.
Our parents are financially free and live a worry free, financially free life.
Life is good! I love my life!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Do opposites attract? I think so! In the book The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman he talks about "dead seas" and "babbling brooks." (By the way a must read for relationship building) My husband and I joke about this all the time. I'm a dead sea and he is a babbling brooke. What does that mean? The dead sea is perfectly happy not to talk while the babbling brooke will talk and talk. The dead sea personality loves to listen and is perfectly happy with that. Sometimes that babbling brooke will ask why aren't you talking, whats wrong, to the babbling brooke? While the dead sea may be "why do you talk so much?" can't we enjoy the silence sometimes?" "Is the silence uncomfortble for you?"
I rarely see two babbling brooks together and I rarely see two dead seas together. Being a dead sea myself I would be so bored if I was with someone as quite as me. It works out perfectly. Remember though your strengths can also be your weakness at times. Too much of a good thing can end up being not so good.
My husband loves that I listen to him, but sometimes he wishes I would speak more. I love that my husband is outgoing and communicates well but sometimes I ask "can we have a little quite time!" LOL!
I rarely see two babbling brooks together and I rarely see two dead seas together. Being a dead sea myself I would be so bored if I was with someone as quite as me. It works out perfectly. Remember though your strengths can also be your weakness at times. Too much of a good thing can end up being not so good.
My husband loves that I listen to him, but sometimes he wishes I would speak more. I love that my husband is outgoing and communicates well but sometimes I ask "can we have a little quite time!" LOL!
What choices are you making today to shape your tomorrow? Every single choice we make will either shape our tomorrow for the good or the not so good. A choice that we make today can effect us for years. Our associations may also shape our tomorrow. The advice we take from these associations may shape our tomorrow. What are we doing on a daily basis to reach our goals. Are we planning our day the night before? Are we planning our month before the month begins? Are we saying our daily prayers kneeling? Are we meditating? Are we exercising? Are we reading personal development? Are we reading our affirmations? Are we being grateful? Are we choosing the right friends?
There is a story of a young kid I will call him John. He was accepted in a prestigious college in Japan. Very few were accepted. It was an honor of a life time. When he attended the college there was a party that he decided to attend. They were about to step into a circle and smoke some marijana. One friend tried to get him to join the circle. He said "come on now, we can join the circle and when they pass the joint around we just won't inhale." John was not interested and decided to leave the party. His friend kind of made fun of him and then joined the circle. As this group of college students circled around and passed the joint, the Japanese police came. The police lined the college students up and smelled their fingers. It did not matter if someone didn't take a puff it only mattered if the police officer smelled the marijana on the fingers. From that, the students with the sent of the marijana were expelled from this prestigious school.
John- because he choose the right that particular night went on to graduate from this college.
I love this story. One small choice effected all these students and the conciequence was great.
I know in the past I have made wrong choices personally. It has sometimes taken years to recover. Sure at times there are great lessons to be learned. They may strengthen us at times. With what I know now and understand, I prefer to strive to make the right choices and stand in holy places.
There is a story of a young kid I will call him John. He was accepted in a prestigious college in Japan. Very few were accepted. It was an honor of a life time. When he attended the college there was a party that he decided to attend. They were about to step into a circle and smoke some marijana. One friend tried to get him to join the circle. He said "come on now, we can join the circle and when they pass the joint around we just won't inhale." John was not interested and decided to leave the party. His friend kind of made fun of him and then joined the circle. As this group of college students circled around and passed the joint, the Japanese police came. The police lined the college students up and smelled their fingers. It did not matter if someone didn't take a puff it only mattered if the police officer smelled the marijana on the fingers. From that, the students with the sent of the marijana were expelled from this prestigious school.
John- because he choose the right that particular night went on to graduate from this college.
I love this story. One small choice effected all these students and the conciequence was great.
I know in the past I have made wrong choices personally. It has sometimes taken years to recover. Sure at times there are great lessons to be learned. They may strengthen us at times. With what I know now and understand, I prefer to strive to make the right choices and stand in holy places.
What kind of money personality do you have? There are 4 different types of money personalities. 1. Saver 2. Spender. 3. Avoider 4. Monk. We may have a little bit of each within us, but usually we will dominate one the personalities. For me personally I was a spender, now a recovered spender lol!
I would spend more than what was coming in. I had heard the phrase "live below your means" several times through out my life, but always pushed it way. I stretched myself out which equaled "stress my self out!" I was completely over my head in my spending.
When my husband (who is a saver) and I went to the Millionaire Mind Intensive for the first time about 2 1/2 years ago our eyes began to open. They talked about these 4 money personalities. It completely changed our perspective. They talked about having a jar system, basically a money management system.
One principle they taught was to live off of 50% of your income. This would be the necessity jar. Things like rent, mortgage, utilities and food. This is great for the saver! For the spenders out there they teach having a play jar- 10% of your income. Which can be spent monthly. This definitely full fills the spender!
I can honestly say my husband and I live off of 50% of our income since June 2013. It is the best feeling in the world! It was not easy at first to simplify. Probably the hardest thing to do at first. Once accomplished momentum kicks in and guess what, because we are being more responsible more money comes in. More than you expect in very unexpected ways. My husband and I now sit down once a month and manage our money. I used to think "I don't have time to manage my money." Now, I have a different mind set, managing our money actually gives us more time in the long run. Taking control is a priceless feeling!
I would spend more than what was coming in. I had heard the phrase "live below your means" several times through out my life, but always pushed it way. I stretched myself out which equaled "stress my self out!" I was completely over my head in my spending.
When my husband (who is a saver) and I went to the Millionaire Mind Intensive for the first time about 2 1/2 years ago our eyes began to open. They talked about these 4 money personalities. It completely changed our perspective. They talked about having a jar system, basically a money management system.
One principle they taught was to live off of 50% of your income. This would be the necessity jar. Things like rent, mortgage, utilities and food. This is great for the saver! For the spenders out there they teach having a play jar- 10% of your income. Which can be spent monthly. This definitely full fills the spender!
I can honestly say my husband and I live off of 50% of our income since June 2013. It is the best feeling in the world! It was not easy at first to simplify. Probably the hardest thing to do at first. Once accomplished momentum kicks in and guess what, because we are being more responsible more money comes in. More than you expect in very unexpected ways. My husband and I now sit down once a month and manage our money. I used to think "I don't have time to manage my money." Now, I have a different mind set, managing our money actually gives us more time in the long run. Taking control is a priceless feeling!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
To be in a state of gratitude at all times. Sometimes it can be hard to be grateful in difficult times. For example if you get a flat tire, instead of complaining about that flat tire, be in a state of gratitude that you still have the other 3 tires.
Shifting my mindset and my thought patterns to being in a state of gratitude at all times is the best thing that I have ever done. It didn't happen over night but in time, I have been able to retrain my thoughts.
When we are in a state of gratitude greater blessing are granted to us. I know this for a fact! Everyday I either say or write down the things that I am grateful for. Also, to write down the the things that we want, but don't have just yet, helps to manifest them into our lives more quickly. Here is my list in no particular order:
Thank you
for giving me time to serve
giving me food
giving me the gospel
giving me my family
giving me my home on Balboa Island
giving me free time to spend with my daughter Brooke
giving me millions of dollars to donate and spend freely
giving me my friends
giving me time to travel
giving me money to retire my family
giving me great communication skills
giving me a fun persoanlity
giving me clothes
giving me a home in Fiji
giving me a home on the beach in Newport Beach
giving me humbleness and meekness
giving me miracles on earth
giving me love
giving me an eternal companion
giving me an ipad
giving me a computer that runs fast my iMac

Shifting my mindset and my thought patterns to being in a state of gratitude at all times is the best thing that I have ever done. It didn't happen over night but in time, I have been able to retrain my thoughts.
When we are in a state of gratitude greater blessing are granted to us. I know this for a fact! Everyday I either say or write down the things that I am grateful for. Also, to write down the the things that we want, but don't have just yet, helps to manifest them into our lives more quickly. Here is my list in no particular order:
Thank you
for giving me time to serve
giving me food
giving me the gospel
giving me my family
giving me my home on Balboa Island
giving me free time to spend with my daughter Brooke
giving me millions of dollars to donate and spend freely
giving me my friends
giving me time to travel
giving me money to retire my family
giving me great communication skills
giving me a fun persoanlity
giving me clothes
giving me a home in Fiji
giving me a home on the beach in Newport Beach
giving me humbleness and meekness
giving me miracles on earth
giving me love
giving me an eternal companion
giving me an ipad
giving me a computer that runs fast my iMac

Vishen Lakhiani 6 Phase Meditation~ Review
Vishen Lakhiani founder of www.mindvalley.com is an incredible innovator. He has created an amazing culture with in his business. He is also an amazing communicator. I really enjoy his 6 phase meditation that he has on youtube. I listen to it many times during the week. He will take you through a guided visualization. The 1st phase he speaks about is getting connected with yourself and relaxing. The 2nd phase is about gratitude, to think of the things you are grateful for in life. The 3rd phase is to heal any negative charges that you may have with someone and to go through the forgiveness process. The 4th phase, he will take you through is helping you visualize how you will like your life to be like, 3 years from now. The 5th phase is a guided visualization on what your perfect day looks like from the time you're waking up to going to bed. The 6th phase, the final phase is, he guides you into asking for help from a higher source.
Last night before going to bed my 8 year old daughter and I listened to the medititation. It was quite cute afterwards when I asked her what her perfect day looked liked. She talked about doing homework, and reading. LOL! Then I asked her "what about spending the day at a place like Disneyland?" I believe with visualization we can manifest our desires quickly. Thank you Vishen for all that you do and for your great example!
Last night before going to bed my 8 year old daughter and I listened to the medititation. It was quite cute afterwards when I asked her what her perfect day looked liked. She talked about doing homework, and reading. LOL! Then I asked her "what about spending the day at a place like Disneyland?" I believe with visualization we can manifest our desires quickly. Thank you Vishen for all that you do and for your great example!
Every master was once a disaster
I think of all the beginnings of masters that were once disasters when they first started. I don't think Shuan White, when he first got on his snowboard that same day went to the Olympics. I'm sure the first day, weeks or even months he fell down lots only to get back up and learn his craft. Even though he didn't go on to win a metal this Olympics it's still a huge accomplishment to have even qualified for the Olympics. What a huge accomplishment to have received 2 gold medals in the past.
It takes time, consistency and persistence. It also takes a strong desire of not giving up. A true belief. A belief in yourself!
I think of Thomas Edison who had a teacher that told him he was too stupid to learn anything. He was fired from two jobs for not producing. He failed 1000 times when trying to invent the light bulb.. Edison said " I didn't fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps"
Every master I can think of never gave up! Consistency, persistence and belief are the keys.
"Our greatest glory is not in ever failing but in rising every time we fail" ~ Confucius
It takes time, consistency and persistence. It also takes a strong desire of not giving up. A true belief. A belief in yourself!
I think of Thomas Edison who had a teacher that told him he was too stupid to learn anything. He was fired from two jobs for not producing. He failed 1000 times when trying to invent the light bulb.. Edison said " I didn't fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps"
Every master I can think of never gave up! Consistency, persistence and belief are the keys.
"Our greatest glory is not in ever failing but in rising every time we fail" ~ Confucius
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Are you celebrating your successes?
Are you celebrating your successes? Celebrating even the tiniest success creates more success. Success breads success! When we celebrate our success it creates a great new neurological path.
In the 90 day wealth conditioning program by T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive he has a section each day to acknowledge our success. To write down at least 5 success we enjoyed today. It could be something as simple as "I walked my dog today" "I got a new client today" "I washed the dishes today." What ever it may be write it down each and every day. As you are doing this notice the feeling that will be with you. You will feel great! It will create happiness and a higher vibration within you.
When we are in this higher vibratory state guess what, we will attract more. When we are in a lower vibratory state we will actually repel the good.
It's important to do different activities. I call them daily wealth building rituals. Begin to realize what will put you in these higher vibratory states and the let the flow of abundance come in easily and effortlessly!
In the 90 day wealth conditioning program by T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive he has a section each day to acknowledge our success. To write down at least 5 success we enjoyed today. It could be something as simple as "I walked my dog today" "I got a new client today" "I washed the dishes today." What ever it may be write it down each and every day. As you are doing this notice the feeling that will be with you. You will feel great! It will create happiness and a higher vibration within you.
When we are in this higher vibratory state guess what, we will attract more. When we are in a lower vibratory state we will actually repel the good.
It's important to do different activities. I call them daily wealth building rituals. Begin to realize what will put you in these higher vibratory states and the let the flow of abundance come in easily and effortlessly!
Are you reading and listening to personal development?
Are you listening to and reading personal development -This is a must!
This is a positive self supporting activity. Something that will help you grow. This is your life blood. This is what will inspire you to continue your journey of reaching your goals. You will reach a higher intelligence that will last a life time.
If you are not reading in your life then you are volunteering to be an illiterate. Read a minimum of 10 pages a day and at least listen to 15 minutes of personal audio. There is a tun of personal development audio on youtube.
Take a look at one of my blog posts that has recommend books. Also on my facebook page I have most of the books that I have read.
A gentlemen that I was listening to said he makes 100 million dollars a month and reads 3 hours a day!! Remember don't let your minimums be your maximums. If a coach or teacher tells you to do a certain amount of activity a day and you are doing the minimums each day, that is actually one step up above failure. So use the razors edge and do more than what is required and witness faster results!
This is a positive self supporting activity. Something that will help you grow. This is your life blood. This is what will inspire you to continue your journey of reaching your goals. You will reach a higher intelligence that will last a life time.
If you are not reading in your life then you are volunteering to be an illiterate. Read a minimum of 10 pages a day and at least listen to 15 minutes of personal audio. There is a tun of personal development audio on youtube.
Take a look at one of my blog posts that has recommend books. Also on my facebook page I have most of the books that I have read.
A gentlemen that I was listening to said he makes 100 million dollars a month and reads 3 hours a day!! Remember don't let your minimums be your maximums. If a coach or teacher tells you to do a certain amount of activity a day and you are doing the minimums each day, that is actually one step up above failure. So use the razors edge and do more than what is required and witness faster results!
30 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website - Blogging Tips
Came across this article. It is a straight forward simple guide. Hope this helps:
30 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website - Blogging Tips
30 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website - Blogging Tips
Millionaire Mind Intensive affirmations by T. Harv Eker
Millionaire Mind Intensive affirmations by T. Harv Eker
"Attitudes of Wealth Winning the Mind Game"
"Attitudes of Wealth Winning the Mind Game"
- I create my life. I create the exact amount of my financial success.
- I play the money game to win. My intention is to create wealth and abundance.
- I admire and model rich and successful people.
- I believe money is important, money is freedom and money makes life more enjoyable.
- I get rich doing what I love.
- I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people's lives.
- I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver.
- I am truly grateful for all the money I have now.
- Lucrative opportunities always come my way.
- My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Focusing of what you "can" do instead of focusing on what you "can't" do
Focusing of what you "can" do instead of focusing on what you "can't" do. What we focus on expands in our lives life. Have you ever focused on your debt in your life and before you know it you're in more debt? I know I have in the past. How about focusing on how to get out of debt instead of looking at the debt collectors letter and saying over and over to yourself "I am in a huge amount of debt!" "I am in a huge amount of debt!" I am the two most powerful words I believe. What ever you are telling yourself is true and will continue to be true until you start telling yourself something different.
Also, aligning yourself with people that lift you instead of bring you down. Remember we are the average of the 5 people that we spend the most time with. If we are hanging out with someone who is finically not making it in life and taking advice from them, guess what it is just a matter of time before we are financially not making it as well.
Focusing, daily habits, and beliefs will shape our tomorrow. What are some wealth building habits that you do on a daily basis?
Also, aligning yourself with people that lift you instead of bring you down. Remember we are the average of the 5 people that we spend the most time with. If we are hanging out with someone who is finically not making it in life and taking advice from them, guess what it is just a matter of time before we are financially not making it as well.
Focusing, daily habits, and beliefs will shape our tomorrow. What are some wealth building habits that you do on a daily basis?
What do you want to manifest in your life?
What do you want to manifest in your life? Are you truly believing that you can have your hearts desire? In the Bible it states "may you have the desire of your heart and all your plans succeed." God wants all of our plans to succeed. The question is do we believe we can succeed or are we blocking it out with non supporting thoughts. Words like I "can't" or I "won't" Are we truly imagining and visualizing our hearts desire with belief and faith that it will happen? Visualization is one key to manifesting and when we do this it is important to not only visualize but feel it, taste it, smell it, and hear it. It is important to put in all 5 senses into the visualization. Remember it all starts by one minute a day and then once that is mastered the minutes may increase. Before you you know it, it will be a natural daily practice.
Millionaire Mind Intensive Affirmations by T. Harv Eker
Millionaire Mind Intensive is a free 3 day seminar by T. Harv Eker. Here are the affirmations from that event. T.Harv Eker is a best selling author! My favorite book by him is Secrets of the Millionaire Mind!
Attitudes of Wealth Winning the Money Game
Attitudes of Wealth Winning the Money Game
- I am an excellent money manager.
- I always pay myself first.
- I put money into my Financial Freedom Account every day.
- My money works hard for me and makes me more money and more money.
- I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle.
- I am financially free. I work because I choose to not because I have to.
- My part time business is managing and investing my money and creating passive income streams.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Update #2 Dealing with Infertility
Update! This is my second post on dealing with infertility. Ok, so with the new Obama Care that is in effect infertility doctors are not covered. In California anyways. I heard Blue Shield in Minesota is 100% covered. Anyone else have this problem? Hmm I'm spending $390.00 dollars a month on health insurance and infertility doctors are not covered. I was speaking with the financial coordinator today and it looks like I will be a cash client. Here are the lovely fees:
Pre-cycle testing
Ultrasound $270
HSC $500 Evaluation of the uterus
Mock Transfer $145 Measurement of the uterus
Semen Analysis $150
Sperm Antibody $120
The estimated cost for IUI services are as followed (excluding medication):
Cycle Ultrasounds $270 each may have 2-4 US done within the cycle
Cycle Laboratory Testing $75 each may have 3-5 Labs done within the cycle
Insemination $180 each Doctors do 2 back to back
Insemination Sperm Prep $135 each Doctors do 2 back to back
The medications are billed and paid to the pharmacy. I believe depending on the meds you are taking it could cost anywhere from $500- $1500 for injectable and around $50-$100 for Clomid.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Embryo Assisted Hatching (AHA). The estimated cost of this treatment will be as follows (excluding medications):
IVF $7400 Includes monitoring ultrasounds and labs (E2 & P4) done at HRC
ICSI $1200
AHA $550
Total $9,150 Due at time medication is started or first appointment
The anesthesia is $400 and payable directly to the anesthesiologist on day of egg retrieval.
Also, I have been taking the vitamins that the Doctor recommend by www.naturallysmart.com. I feel fine taking them. 3 vitamins a day I take. My husband, that is another story he took 2 one day he felt really sick. Thought it may be something else. Gave it a rest for one day felt fine. Took 2 another day felt sick he had to rest in bed for an hour. I guess they didn't digest well with him. He didn't feel well at all.
Is success right outside of your comfort zone?
Is success right outside of your comfort zone? I think of all the things in life that make us feel comfortable. Watching T.V. for hours or surfing the internet for hours. How about surfing Facebook or other social media sites for hours only to find that it felt really comfortable, hours have passed and we really haven't progressed in life? It takes getting out of our comfort zone to create a success. If you are looking for progression in life it's time to recognize the comfort activites and also recognize that there is a need to step out of that to grow. For example I was completely uncomfortable at first to invest money in my online business. I knew I had to take action in spending thousands of dollars to buy products and resale online. It has been totally uncomfortable to seek and ask questions from people that have what I want. I understand the law of association (we are the average of the 5 people we hang out the most) and it was really uncomfortable to seek business minded people and ask certain questions. It has been totally uncomfortable to go to business seminars that are 3 days long. Taking the time off, making sure my daughter is being taken care of and the money to invest. The results are amazing and the progression is priceless when it come to getting outside our comfort zone. Try it out and see some amazing results. :)
Sunday, February 9, 2014
What Kind of State Are You In Today?
What kind of state are you in today? What kind of state are you in this second, minute, or hour? How long does a particular state for you last? Are you happy one moment then in despair another moment? Does your sadness last for a minute or even days? What do you do to get out of a state of sadness or despair? Tony Robbins Author of Awakening the Giant Within talks about being in deferent states and basically on how to control them. In his book he asked "what kind of state would you like to be on a constant basis?" "Happy? Dynamic? Adventurous? Amusing? Outrageous? Generous? Elegant?" He talks about taking inventory. He talks about going on a mental diet and to take inventory of our thoughts. To become aware. The first step to change is awareness. What can we do to change our state that is not supporting? I believe if we don't feel loved go out and love someone. If we feel alone pick up the phone and call someone. The very thing that we are missing in our lives is the very thing we are not doing our selves.
Two things that I believe can dramatically change our state. 1. Being of service to others. 2. Learning and progressing. I believe if we do these 2 things in life consistently we will feel more fulfilled and happy! I promise :)
Two things that I believe can dramatically change our state. 1. Being of service to others. 2. Learning and progressing. I believe if we do these 2 things in life consistently we will feel more fulfilled and happy! I promise :)
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Free TransUnion credit history and score -Credit Karma
I found this amazing site to check your TransUnion credit history and score for FREE. Yes all for FREE! They make their money from advertising! They also give you recommendations on how to improve your credit score. They have a blog, reviews and great calculators as well. Check it out! There is great reviews online as well! Lots of great info on the site! A must see!
Peak Potentials "Never Work Again" Declarations
I love these affirmations from Peak Potentials! From their famous program "Never Work Again"
- I earn a massive passive income.
- I earn more than enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle.
- I set up vehicles and system to work instead of me.
- I get paid based on the value I provide, without my labor.
- I love making money while I sleep, play or am on vacation
- The less I work, the more I earn.
- Excellent passive income opportunities always come my way.
- I appreciate all the free time and money I have now.
- I am finically free. I work because I choose to not because I have to.
- I never have to work again.
Friday, February 7, 2014
"Don't Make A Permanent Decision In A Temporary State"
I love this story of a lady named Sheri Dew. I first read it in If You Think you Can by TJ Housington Sheri always wanted to play college basketball. In 1971 she went to try out for the college team. When she entered the gym she witnessed how good the other girls where. When she witnessed this she had some very self defeating thoughts inside. She thought to herself "what are you thinking?" "You aren't good enough to play ball here!" She stepped outside and took some deep breathes. She walked up and down the halls with these self defeating thoughts. Three whole hours passed by, tryouts were over by that time. She left to never try out for the college basketball team.
30 years passed by. She was asked to speak at the same college. By that time in her life she was asked to speak at different events. For the first time she shared her story of pacing the halls to never trying out for the basketball team. After she shared her story the athletic director came up to her and said "in all my years of coaching that was the only year we were short one girl" "I was searching all year long to fill my last spot on the roster."
Self defeating thoughts can be so damaging. They can be life altering. I love these quotes "don't make a permanent decision in a temporary state" "Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, actions lead to results." And if you want to get a little deeper "thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, actions lead to your eternal destination."
We need to take control of our thoughts. It all begins with our thoughts. Start taking inventory of your thoughts and change them to positive you will witness life changing results for the better. I promise!
30 years passed by. She was asked to speak at the same college. By that time in her life she was asked to speak at different events. For the first time she shared her story of pacing the halls to never trying out for the basketball team. After she shared her story the athletic director came up to her and said "in all my years of coaching that was the only year we were short one girl" "I was searching all year long to fill my last spot on the roster."
Self defeating thoughts can be so damaging. They can be life altering. I love these quotes "don't make a permanent decision in a temporary state" "Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, actions lead to results." And if you want to get a little deeper "thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, actions lead to your eternal destination."
We need to take control of our thoughts. It all begins with our thoughts. Start taking inventory of your thoughts and change them to positive you will witness life changing results for the better. I promise!
Getting into the flow! The path of least resistance!
I love Deepak Chopra author of The Seven Spirituals Laws of Success! In chapter 4 he talks about the law of least effort. He talks about choosing the path of no resistance in our own personal lives. He mentions nature and how things in nature just grow. There is no resistance when the grass grows- it just grows. Birds don't try to fly they- just fly. The earth doesnt try to spin - it just spins. How about the words I will try to do that or I will do that tomorrow. Saying "I will try" is really just setting us up for failure. How about say "I will" or "I am" I believe the two most powerful words are "I am"
The path of least resistance is a beautiful place to be in. It's called being in the flow. Giving and receiving more "yeses" When our actions are motivated by love as quoted in the book. When we are struggling against a certain moment Deepak states we are actually struggling against the entire universe.
Get into the flow take out the boulders or even little rocks out of your flowing stream let the abundance flow into your life and enjoy! Feel freedom in your heart and take the resistance out of life. It it a beautiful place to be indeed.
So much good stuff in this Chapter I could go on and on. A must read for sure!
The path of least resistance is a beautiful place to be in. It's called being in the flow. Giving and receiving more "yeses" When our actions are motivated by love as quoted in the book. When we are struggling against a certain moment Deepak states we are actually struggling against the entire universe.
Get into the flow take out the boulders or even little rocks out of your flowing stream let the abundance flow into your life and enjoy! Feel freedom in your heart and take the resistance out of life. It it a beautiful place to be indeed.
So much good stuff in this Chapter I could go on and on. A must read for sure!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Congratulations you never have to think in either or again! If there is a $50.00 bill on the table next to a $100.00 bill which one will you take? The answer is to take both. Hmm shall I be a stay at home mom or an entrepreneur how about both! Hmm do I want a house on the beach or the mountains? How about both?
Either or thinking is a lack mentality. When we think either or we are telling our sub conscience mind that there is not enough or we don't deserve to have what ever it may be. There is an abundance and the universe is here to support us in giving what ever we want as long as we are open to receiving it.
It's also important to be excellent receivers. Receive the small gifts in life so we can receive the larger gifts in our lives. I love the affirmation by Peak Potentials "I am an excellent receiver!" If we aren't excellent receivers guess what? It will go to someone else. It's that simple.
Next time someone offers to give you a gift or wants to do something for you accept and receive it with open arms and gratitude. One of the best success principles out there! I promise!
Either or thinking is a lack mentality. When we think either or we are telling our sub conscience mind that there is not enough or we don't deserve to have what ever it may be. There is an abundance and the universe is here to support us in giving what ever we want as long as we are open to receiving it.
It's also important to be excellent receivers. Receive the small gifts in life so we can receive the larger gifts in our lives. I love the affirmation by Peak Potentials "I am an excellent receiver!" If we aren't excellent receivers guess what? It will go to someone else. It's that simple.
Next time someone offers to give you a gift or wants to do something for you accept and receive it with open arms and gratitude. One of the best success principles out there! I promise!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Artificial Insemination ~ The Beginning of My Journey
I feel like I want to share my experience and journey with infertility -ouch at the age of 39 almost 40. There are so many utube videos on the subject that have helped me in a unique way, of just not feeling alone or that I'm not the only one going through this. I know my husband and I are getting older and this may just be the way it is and I'm understanding of that. My husband will be 41 in a couple of days he has never had children. He is one of 8. lol the doctor said oh yes there is good fertility on his side. lol! I have a 9 year old from a previous relationship. My husband and I have been married for 2 1/2 years.
So on Feb 3, 2014 I had my first appointment with my fertility doctor. Doctor Jane Frederick in Newport Beach. Her address is 500 Superior Avenue Suite 210 Newport Beach CA, 92663. The facility name is HRC Fertility. She was referred by a niece on my husbands side. It's a beautiful office with an amazing staff. I was impressed the minute I stepped foot in the office. Come to find out that people come from all of the the world for this facility. I was speaking to Beverly who is the patient advocate and she said a lot of people come from Europe and Australia. I thought how fortunate I am to have this facility just about 5 minutes away.
My first consultation was sure overwhelming with lots of information. Dr. Federick talked about family history first and some of the things that could be preventing me from getting pregnant. No more hot tubes lol for both of us! Of course she talked about some of the things that could be going on with the uterus. She also recommended Naturally Smart Vitamins for men and women. http://naturallysmartvitamins.com I actually just got these in the mail today. A 30 day supply for a bottle for me and my husband is $137.30 that included tax and shipping. Pretty pricey but of corse at our age we want to do anything she recommends and take any precautions. 3 vitamins a day for the woman and 6 vitamins a day for the man.
After meeting with Dr. Frederick I went into another room and talked with an IVF coordinator. She explained the necessary tests that will have to be taken. One of the tests is called the HSG test. Yikes this particular one does not sound like fun. They shoot a dye up in your uterus and take an X-ray to see what the heck is going on in there.
Before I left the office I took some blood tests. They took 5 vials of blood. They tested for LH, pituitary gonadotropin, TSH (Thyroid Stim, Hormone, PRL (Prolactin) Thyroxine Total, Hepatitis B Surface, Hepatitis B Core Anitbody, HIV1 and 2, Rubella IgG(RubellaG). Now, I wait to take another blood test and the dreaded HSG test. I will keep you posted on this journey after these tests.
I have Blue Shield health insurance through Covered California it's an ultimate PPO I pay a lovely $390.00 a month for this insurance. So now I'm also waiting for the financial coordinator from HRC Fertility to get back with me as she is waiting for my benefits to pull up on her end. I will speak with her to see what is covered and what is not......
Here are Dr. Frederick recommended websites:
Fun new terminology to learn:
IVF- In Vetro Fertilization
IUI- Artificial Insemination
HSG- Hysterosalpingogram
Hope this helps with anyone else that is dealing with infertility :) I will keep you posted!
So on Feb 3, 2014 I had my first appointment with my fertility doctor. Doctor Jane Frederick in Newport Beach. Her address is 500 Superior Avenue Suite 210 Newport Beach CA, 92663. The facility name is HRC Fertility. She was referred by a niece on my husbands side. It's a beautiful office with an amazing staff. I was impressed the minute I stepped foot in the office. Come to find out that people come from all of the the world for this facility. I was speaking to Beverly who is the patient advocate and she said a lot of people come from Europe and Australia. I thought how fortunate I am to have this facility just about 5 minutes away.
My first consultation was sure overwhelming with lots of information. Dr. Federick talked about family history first and some of the things that could be preventing me from getting pregnant. No more hot tubes lol for both of us! Of course she talked about some of the things that could be going on with the uterus. She also recommended Naturally Smart Vitamins for men and women. http://naturallysmartvitamins.com I actually just got these in the mail today. A 30 day supply for a bottle for me and my husband is $137.30 that included tax and shipping. Pretty pricey but of corse at our age we want to do anything she recommends and take any precautions. 3 vitamins a day for the woman and 6 vitamins a day for the man.
After meeting with Dr. Frederick I went into another room and talked with an IVF coordinator. She explained the necessary tests that will have to be taken. One of the tests is called the HSG test. Yikes this particular one does not sound like fun. They shoot a dye up in your uterus and take an X-ray to see what the heck is going on in there.
Before I left the office I took some blood tests. They took 5 vials of blood. They tested for LH, pituitary gonadotropin, TSH (Thyroid Stim, Hormone, PRL (Prolactin) Thyroxine Total, Hepatitis B Surface, Hepatitis B Core Anitbody, HIV1 and 2, Rubella IgG(RubellaG). Now, I wait to take another blood test and the dreaded HSG test. I will keep you posted on this journey after these tests.
I have Blue Shield health insurance through Covered California it's an ultimate PPO I pay a lovely $390.00 a month for this insurance. So now I'm also waiting for the financial coordinator from HRC Fertility to get back with me as she is waiting for my benefits to pull up on her end. I will speak with her to see what is covered and what is not......
Here are Dr. Frederick recommended websites:
Fun new terminology to learn:
IVF- In Vetro Fertilization
IUI- Artificial Insemination
HSG- Hysterosalpingogram
Hope this helps with anyone else that is dealing with infertility :) I will keep you posted!
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