Monday, April 14, 2014

Vishen Lakhiani Meditation Review

Vishen Lakhiani founder of  is an incredible innovator.  He has created an amazing culture with in his business. He is also an amazing communicator. 

 I really enjoy his 6 phase meditation that he has on youtube.  I listen to it many times during the week.  He will take you through a guided visualization. 

The 1st phase he speaks about is getting connected with yourself and relaxing.

The 2nd phase is about gratitude, to think of the things you are grateful for in life. 

The 3rd phase is to heal any negative charges that you may have with someone and to go through the forgiveness process. 

The 4th phase, he will take you through is helping you visualize how you will like your life to be like, 3 years from now. 

The 5th phase is a guided visualization on what your perfect day looks like from the time you're waking up to going to bed. 

The 6th phase, the final phase is,  he guides you into asking for help from a higher source.

I believe with visualization we can manifest our desires quickly. Thank you Vishen for all that you do and for your great example!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Favorite Blog Post on Gratitude

One of my favorite posts on gratitude:

~I'm grateful for the children making noise outside, it means I have ears to hear.

~I'm grateful for the carpet that needs vacuuming, it means I have a home.

~I'm grateful for the expensive gas to put in my car it means I have a vehicle.

~I'm grateful for my electricity bill, it means I have lights to see when I'm at home.

~I'm grateful to do my laundry, it means I have clothes to wear.

~I'm grateful to clean my dirty dishes, it means I have food to eat.

~I'm grateful for my bills to pay, it means I have money.

~I'm grateful for the pain in my shoulder, it means I'm still alive.

What are you grateful for today? :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pravana's Artificial Hair Color Extractor System


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Brand new in the original box. 100% authentic!

Pravana's Artificial Hair Color Extractor System 

  • Gently Remove any artificial, oxidation-type hair color with out effecting natural hair color.
  • 5+ Services per box
  • Part 1 Artificial Hair color extractor 10.1 fl.
  • Part 2 Artificial Hair color extractor 10.1 fl.
  • Part 3 Clarifying Shampoo 10.1 fl.
  • Remove any oxidative color in 3 steps
  • Formaldehyde - Free and bleach free
  • Recolor hair same day
  • Quickest color removal
  • Easy to mix and apply
  • Leaves hair conditioned and soft

Please buy with confidence we have over 4000 positive feedback from buyers!

Thank you for shopping
We greatly appreciate your business!

Payment Terms:

  • Paypal

  • Free USPS shipping with in the US!
  • International buyers please pay for shipping

Return Policy:

  • 14 day 100% money back guarantee! As long as item is returned in original condition as received and same packaging.


Untitled Document

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Principles of Freedom

The seven principles to receive freedom:

1. Make goals
2. Have control over yourself
3. Learn from failure
4. Associate with the right people
5. Be in a habit of thinking positive instead of negative
6. Have harmony
7. Think out your plan before you execute

Quote by Napoleon Hill "Definiteness of purpose plus definiteness of plan by which the purpose is to be achieved generally succeeds, no matter how weak the plan may be."

Bottom line is to forget the how, the how will show up with intention and desire. Let's stop worrying about the how so much. When we have faith an unwavering belief we will attain our goals. It's important to keep it simple!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Writing Goals!

Are your goals clearly defined?

It's important to have annual goals, monthly goals and daily goals.

Goals will turn your dream into reality.

With out vision people perish.

Goals need to be specific and realistic.

The clearer your goal the better.

Clarity leads to power.

Your goals should be in front of you everyday.

The best time to look at your goals is when you first wake and before you go to bed.

Write your goal out with an end date attached to it.

At the end of your goal, write "or something better!"

Example: I work because I choose to not because I have to. I have passive investment income and passive business income coming in of 10,000.00 a month. I am financially free by September 2014! Or something better!

Share your goals with others. Make them public if you like. Comment below and share your goals!

Thank you for being here today! I appreciate you! Lets make our goals and make our dreams come true! Sound good! :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Checking your bills?

 I just reduced my Verizon cell phone bill from $103.00 to $60.00 that is a $43.00 a month savings.

Come to find out I'm not using the data on my phone like I used to.

Bottom line always check your bills and reevaluate!

 In my previous blog I talked about how my husband and I sit down together and discuss exactly what's coming in and what's going out. I could have continued to pay the extra $43.00 dollars a month, right? That is like taking a match, lighting it up, burning my money.

Are you burning your money? I know I used to but not anymore. I definitely learned my lesson back in 2009 the hard way.

Ahh it feels so good to breathe and see all the money we have now! I am a money magnet, thank you, thank you!

Monday, March 17, 2014

I am an excellent money manager! Are you?

  Here it is! My husband and I have a monthly money management system. We sit down together once a month and go through our money. We use the Millionaire Mind Intensive by T. Harv Eker a money management system or what they call the jar system. 

I will be honest years ago I did not have a money plan. I never knew what was coming in exactly and what was going out. I spent freely when ever I felt like it. Guess what back in 2009, I found my self in a huge amount of debt, only because I did not manage my money properly.

 I used to think it takes too much time to manage my money. Now, I have learned I actually have more time and more money in my bank account. I have learned to hold and grow my money. This is the best feeling in the world, to have control. Much better than being out of control and emotionally spending. 

Here it is! What you do is split your money into 6 separate accounts or jars. 

It is a great feeling, but probably the hardest thing to do is to live on 50% of your income. Once you do it and simply it is the greatest feeling. 

10% is play, this is great if you are a spender it will help you release that inner spender within you. I have a money personality of a spender so this was perfect for me to know that I can only spend 10% of my income. 

10% give, with this you may tithe or donate how you like. 

10% financial freedom account, with this account you may invest but never take the profit to spend. You will reinvest the profit to grow and compound forever. 

10% long term savings this account is for anything you would like to purchase in the future, an example is a down payment on a house.

50% Necessity

10% Play

10% Give

10% Financial Freedom Account

10% Long Term Savings

10% Education

If you don't have an iMac with the Numbers program you may use google docs for a free spreadsheet.

Add caption

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Do Dogs Put Us In a Higher Vibratory State?

I believe so! They bring so much happiness!

Oh how we want a puppy in our home!

I grew up with dogs and love them!

As my daughter, husband and I were going to the craft store today we noticed Pet Smart next door. A Home 4 Ever Rescue was outside with a few pups that were ready for adoption.

There were some cute ones for sure!

Here is their website

Adoption Fees run anywhere from $200 to $300 depending on the dog. All fees and donations go 100% to their rescued dogs and their needs.
Talk about receiving a higher vibration! Pets really provide a complete state change! Just a couple of minutes, being around these little ones put the biggest smile on our face!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Millionaire Mind Intensive Email

Millionaire Mind Intensive in our back yard again!

Special Program Announcements
Millionaire Mind Carlsbad
March 21-23, 2014
Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa

Hi Nicole,
With only a week to go until the Millionaire Mind Intensive, we wanted to update you on some amazing news: Peak Potentials World-Class Trainer Dennis Cummins is going to be the lead trainer and we also have a Special Guest Speaker, Bill Ray Smith Jr.!
Dr. Dennis Cummins began his career as a Chiropractor in 1992. In 1994 he opened Park Place Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Mt. Sinai, NY. Dennis opened his second clinic as the first Corporate Chiropractor for the world headquarters of a Fortune 500 company. He successfully manages both of those businesses to date.
In addition to chiropractic, he discovered a passion for teaching others to become healthier and more successful in all areas of their lives. To that end, he started his first training company, Total Health Training in 2005.
Dennis's skills and experiences made him a natural fit to become an International Lead Trainer for Peak Potentials, and students around the world rave about his quick humor and engaging personality. 

( I've seen Dennis speak before and he is amazing!! )

Change The Course Of Your Financial Future
at the Millionaire Mind Intensive
At the MMI you'll do the important foundational work of raising your inner money thermostat (the level of wealth that you deep-down believe you deserve) AND learn practical strategies to master the outer game of wealth too.
You'll learn:
  • The real reason why self-made millionaires can lose everything ... and then bounce back stronger than ever 
  • Why 80% of the world will not be able to work because they choose to - but because they have to - and what you can do differently 
  • The only way to permanently change the results you get from life ...
including your financial success 
  • The critical first element of change that you must have before you can ever hope to increase your financial success 
  • The most important strategy to develop today if you want to increase your income by 10 times (or more!) 
  • Why working on your inner world will never be enough to create the success you want (this is the missing ingredient that many Law of Attraction practitioners forget) 
  • One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they feel fear ... and what you should do instead 
  • And much more!
This life-changing course has already helped over 1 million people in 104 countries. If you're serious about your financial future then grab your complimentary tickets to the Millionaire Mind Intensive now.

(I have been to about 5 or 6 of these events. They have transformed my financial life for the good!!)


Thursday, March 13, 2014

“Is Your Time Worth What You Think It Is?” by Ali Brown

Time is the most important asset you have—and unlike money, once you’ve spent it, you can’t earn any more. That’s why it’s so important to make the most of your 24 hours, especially as a business owner.
So, how can you become more productive and profitable, without working insane hours and sacrificing your personal life? Read on for a few steps on how to start managing your time like a successful entrepreneur…
STEP 1: Discover how much your time is worth
The first step to maximizing your time is to understand what yours is really worth. This is an exercise I do with any client who has a time crunch. It’s great to help you gauge what your time is generally worth. (NOTE: This is NOT a formula for determining your rates, but it can be used as a start.):
Income ÷ Hours worked = Hourly Rate
For example, let’s say your income last month was $16,000 and you worked eight hours a day for 20 days. That’s a total of 160 hours. So, your hourly rate would be calculated like this:
$16,000 ÷ 160 = $100 Per Hour
Based on this example, your hours are WORTH $100. Now, let’s find out if you’re spending every hour of every day on $100 activities.
STEP 2: Take an honest assessment of the TYPE of work you do
Now, think about the tasks you do for your business. Are they core business tasksor business-relatedtasks? (Core business tasks are those directly related to growing the business and driving it forward, like networking for new clients, creating a new product line, etc. Business-related tasks are those that support your core activities, like invoicing, organizing, etc.)
You want to work ON your business by focusing on core business tasks—not IN it (by overwhelming yourself with business-related tasks).
Think about it: If your business doesn’t run unless you’re managing it all, all you’ve done is swapped a job with an employer by employing yourself as a file clerk, administrative assistant, bookkeeper, etc. And the truth is, it will be very hard to run a successful business this way. Quite a wake-up call isn’t it?
I have clients track their time for an entire week, and then share with me what they discover. They hate it, but it’s VERY enlightening!
STEP 3: Delegate your tasks
You are the boss—so let someone else do the administrative tasks (those business-related tasks), so you can concentrate on developing the strategies that will make you more money and take your business in the direction you want to go. The more you learn to let go and delegate to other people, the more you can focus on your REAL job: those core business activities.
Here are some of the duties and responsibilities you can easily hand off to someone else:
* Accounting and bookkeeping
* Administrative tasks
* Customer Support
* Office/Home Cleaning
* Technical Support
* Public Relations
* Booking Travel
* Website Development
And that’s just a start.
Although you’ll have to spend a little money up front, outsourcing will help you get ahead in the long run. Let’s go back to that hourly worth example we calculated earlier…
If your hourly worth is $100 per hour and you pay someone $25 per hour, and use that hour instead to generate revenues for your business, you’ve just made a leap in your business—and much faster than if you had tried to handle everything by yourself.
So, what kind of skilled professionals can you hire to help? For starters, consider a Virtual Assistant (VA). They can handle a slew of tasks, from scheduling appointments, paying bills, and even managing your projects and supplier/vendor relationships. Try or Google for other resources.
There are also thousands of talented professionals looking for contract work on sites like In many cases, you can browse the portfolios of providers and invite them to bid for the work you want done. And best of all, ask business owners and friends you know if they can recommend someone to you.
If you want a little more help with this, take a look at my “Millionaire Time & Productivity Secrets” program. You will learn 101+ of my personal success strategies for managing time and being productive. Find out how to make more money, stay focused, and achieve your best resultswhile still having energy and a life!
Question: What steps have you taken to utilize your time more efficiently? How did it help you become more productive and profitable? Let me know in the comment section below.
© 2013 Ali International, LLC
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:“Entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown teaches women around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “Top 10 Secrets for Entrepreneurial Women” at

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I knew you were not a drifter! I could just tell!

In my previous post I wrote from Napoleon Hill's interview with the devil the characteristics of a drifter. The characteristics that hold us back from being successful in life.  Exactly where the devil loves us to be.

Here are the characteristics of a non-drifter.

Written by Napoleon Hill Author Outwitting The Devil:

"The first sign of a non drifter is this:

He is always engaged in doing something definite, through some well organized plan which is definite. He has a major goal in life toward which he is always working, and many minor goals, all of which lead toward his central scheme.

The tone of his voice, the quickness of his step, the sparkle in his eyes, the quickness of his decisions clearly mark him as a person who know exactly what he want and is determined to get it, not matter how long it may tai or what price he must pay.

If you ask him questions, he gives you direct answers and never falls back on evasions or resorts to subterfuge.

He extends many favors to others, but accepts favors sparingly or not at all.

He will be found up front whether he is playing a game or fighting a war.

If he does not know the answers he will say so frankly.

He has a good memory; never offers an alibi for his shortcomings.

He never blames others for his mistakes no matter if they deserve the blame.

He use to be known as a go-getter, but in modern times he is called a go-giver. You will find him running the biggest business in town, living on the best street, driving the best automobile, and making his presence felt wherever he happens to be.

He is an inspiration to all who come into contact with his mind.

The major distinguishing feature of the non-drifter is this: He has a mind of his own and uses it for all purposes."

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Are you a drifter?

Quoted from the book Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill

The Drifter:

"He will be conspicuous by his lack of self-confidence.

He will never accomplish anything requiring thought and effort.

He spends all he earns and more too, if he can get credit.

He will be sick or ailing from some real or imaginary cause, and calling to high heaven if he suffers the least physical pain.

He will have little or no imagination.

He will lack enthusiasm and initiative to begin anything he is not forced to undertake, and he will plainly express his weakness by taking the line of least resistance whenever he can do so.

He will be ill-tempered and lacking in controller over his emotions.

His personality will be without magnetism and it will not attract other people.

He will have opinion on everything but accurate knowledge of nothing.

He may be the jack of all trades master of none.

He will neglect to cooperate with those around him, even those on whom he must depend for food and shelter.

He will make the same mistake over and over again, never profiting by failure.

He will be narrow-minded and intolerant on all subjects, ready to crucify those who may disagree with him.

He will expect everything of others but be willing to give little or nothing in return.

He may begin many things but he will complete nothing.

He will be loud in his condemnation of his government, but he will never tell you definitely how it can be improved.

He will never reach decisions on anything if he can avoid it, and if he is forced to decide he will reverse himself at the first opportunity.

He will eat too much and exercise too little.

He will take a drink of liquor if someone else will pay for it.

He will gamble if he can do it "on the cuff."

He will criticize others who are succeeding in their chosen calling.

In brief, the drifter will work harder to get out of thinking than most others work in earning a good living.

He will tell a lie rather than admit his ignorance on any subject.

If he works for others, he will criticize them to their backs and flatter then to their faces."

photo credit: VinothChandar via photopin cc

What do you visualize daily?

Taken from one of my favorite books If You Think You Can by T.J. Housington:

Steve Jobs founder of Apple computers "It's like when I walk in a room, and I want to talk about a product that hasn't even been invented yet. I can see the product as if it is sitting right there, right in the center of the table. What I've got to do is materialized it and bring it to life."

Jim Carrey famous actor said "I've always believed in magic. When I wasn't doing anything in this town, I'd go up every night, sit on Mulholland Drive, look out at the city, stretch out my arms, and say, "Everybody wants to work with me. I'm a really good actor. I have all kinds of great movie offers." I'd just repeat these things over and over, literally convincing myself that I had a couple of movies lined up. I'd drive down that hill, ready to take the world on,  going, "Movie offers are out there for me, I just don't hear them yet."

Jack Nicklaus wrote in his book Golf My Way "First I see the ball where I want it to finish, nice and white sitting up  there on the bright green grass. Then, I see the scene quickly change and I see the ball going there, its path, trajectory, and shape, even its behavior on the landing. Then there is sort of a fade out and the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality."

What are you visualizing to make your dreams come true?

ahh Meditation

The Ahh meditation! Very powerful!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Everything on my daughter's dream board came true!

Well almost........

I have to admit I did block the puppy dogs. After she put up the puppy dogs on her dream board we had not just one offer but two different offers to take these cute little puppies in for free.  I know, sad but we are just not ready yet. Or I should say I'm not ready yet. We will eventually, we love dogs and cats, we go to the pet store a lot and dream build of the pet we want. Just not quite ready for the commitment.

Everything else did come true for her though. Why, because she believed with all her heart! She did not have one ounce of doubt. See what happens when you believe with all your heart?

Her dreams came true for her, from outside sources as well. Even the two American Girl Dolls. Even the rainbow. One day the light was shinning perfectly and reflecting perfectly in our home that created this big beautiful rainbow on the wall.

Believe with all your heart!

Dream boards work!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

An interview with the Devil? Really?

  I have to admit I was a little afraid at first to read Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil. At a seminar I heard Adam Markel co-owner of the Millionaire Mind Intensive (Peak Potential) recommend the book. I have been reading the book and at about chapter 3 Napoleon Hill starts interviewing the Devil.  I was getting a little nervous and was asking myself if I should really be reading this??

 Well I have began reading the interview and to my surprise it is really good. As Napoleon interviews him I begin to realize the true characteristics of the Devil.

 The Devil does not want us to be happy. He wants us to be miserable. He uses tricks and devices to control our mind.  His favorite is to instill FEAR with in us.

 The Devil does not want us to succeed and wants us to be in poverty.  He says "some wealthy men serve my cause while others do me great damage, depending upon how the wealth is used."

He doesn't want us to become a philamprothist.

The Devil wants us to reck our bodies by smoking cigarettes and other harmful things.  

He wants us to indulge in spending with no control or money management.

There is a lot more of other great insights as well. Pages full of the interview.

This book was hidden for 72 years. His family was really afraid to release this book. It wasn't until Napoleon's wife died that the foundation made this book available.        

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Famous Failures

One of my favorite youtube videos!

Famous Failures:

Dismissed from drama school, she was too shy ~ Lucille Ball

Turned down by a record company, guitar is on its way out ~ The Beatles

Failed farming and real-estate ~ Ulysses S. Grant

Cut from high school basket ball team ~ Michael Jordan

Teacher said he was stupid  ~ Thomas Edison

Fired from magazine, he had no original ideas ~ Walt Disney

Defeated in 8 elections ~ Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Failure is our best teacher

Failure is truly the best teacher. Many if not all successful people in life have experienced a temporary set back in life before arriving to what they believe is success.  Experiencing a defeat is only a temporary set back. It's important to learn from the temporary set back. When going through it understanding that it is a time for growth, a time to become stronger.

 Failures can be a blessing in disguise as quoted by Napoleon Hill. He says there is a solution for every legitimate problem, no matter how difficult the problem may seem. He says "I have also discovered that there comes with every experience of temporary defeat, and every failure and every form of adversity, the seed of an equivalent benefit." One of my favorite quotes from him.

 It may not be easy when going through a temporary defeat in life, but I do promise it is only temporary. To continue to have faith and belief. To get rid of self defeating thoughts. To remember tomorrow is a brand new day.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Passion + Talent x Association x Action + Faith = Success

Another amazing book I'm reading right now by Napoleon Hill Outwitting the Devil ~ The secret to freedom and success.

On page 49 he talks about a personal success equation.

He says " ((P+T) x A x A ) + F= Your personal Success equation. What does that mean?

Passion + Talent x Association x Action + Faith = Success

Love it!!

What is your passion? What are your talents? Are you associating around the right people? Are you taking action? Do you truly believe you can succeed in what ever it is you want in this life?

The earth is 4.54 billion year old.  We waited patiently in the pre mortal life for 4.54 billion years or longer to come down to receive a body and live here on this earth. What a special time! We were not born here on earth to play small or shrink our light. It is our time, right here right now. Let's make the most of it! It is a very special gift to be here!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

10 Day Mental Diet ~ Are You In?

 One of my favorite parts of the book Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins is he talks about going on a 10 day mental diet. Anthony talks about interrupting old negative patterns. He suggest going on a mental diet to create a better mind set.

 He quotes in his book "For the next 10 day, beginning immediately, commit to taking full control of all your mental and emotional faculties by deciding right now that you will not indulge in or dwell on any unresourceful thoughts or emotions for ten consecutive days."

 I have done this exercise and it wasn't easy at first, but I was committed to the challenge. It was life changing!

 He goes on to say "In life, never spend more than 10 percent of your time on the problem, and spend at least 90 percent of your time on the solution. Most important, don't sweat the small stuff...and remember, it's all small stuff."

 My challenge to you is to go on this 10 day mental diet and see your life change for the better!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Visualization ~ does it really work?

I have a strong belief that visualizing does work. I use it every moment I can think of. Have my results from visualizing work instantly?  Sometime yes, but sometimes it does take a little time.

Start visualizing the life you want. It really does work. Studies show that visualizing works. Basketball players use this, golfers use this and many other athletes use this technique.  When we visualize it creates a new nero pathway. Simulate the experience as if already achieved. The subconscience mind does not know the difference between make believe and real. Practice making a right choice of success in your mind.

Relax, clear your mind and simulate.  It's important also in your visualization to use all 5 senses. Touch, smell, feel, hear and taste.

Try it, remember it all starts with just one minute a day. Master one minute a day then go on to master more minutes. Before you know it you won't be abel to go with out a day of visualizing.

If you miss a day its ok just pick it back up and don't be so hard on yourself.  :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Easy Goal Planning by Napoleon Hill

Have you ever done this goal planning exercise by Napoleon Hill famous author of Think and Grow Rich?

Write this out, and fill in the blanks!

"By the first day of xxxxx.... ( fill in your personal date) I will have in my possession $xxxxx, ( fill in the amount you desire)  which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.

"In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable,  rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality of service in the capacity of salesman of  xxxxxx ( describe the service or merchandise you intend to sell).

"I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I deliver the service I intend to render in return for it. I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan, when it is received."

Napoleon Hill says in his book to read this at night before going to bed and in the morning when you rise. To have a written copy, so you can see it and to memorize it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Have you ever quit 3 feet from gold?

  Napoleon Hill famous author of Think and Grow Rich talked about a gentelman named R.U. Darby, a gold prospector.  R.U. Darby became very frustrated when he tried and tried to strike gold. He thought the gold had ran out. Eventually he ended up selling his gold claim. He sold it to the towns junkman. The junkman decided to team up with some specialists. Guess what,  if R.U. Darby would have just dug only 3 more feet he would have hit gold.  He gave up his dream 3 feet from gold! Rather than being frustrated Darby went on to build a successful insurance empire.

Have you ever quit 3 feet from gold? Who are you aligning yourself with?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Drinking Water ~ It's so simple right?

  It's so simple, drink more water and feel better. It is such a simple concept yet so many of us forget. I still need daily reminders.  76% of our brain is water. When we don't drink enough water it brings on fatigue. Drinking water is a great way to actually loose weight as well. Sage, Tony Robin's wife says to drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces. So if your 140 pounds that would be 70 oz of water.

 I know when I drink the correct amount of water during the day, I feel more energized. My skin looks better. I feel more healthy.  When I start to feel any fatigue during the day I will grab a glass of water and remind my self I need to drink more through out the day.

Get in the flow of life

 As I was driving to the Quest Lab this morning to take some blood tests, half way there I remembered I left my drivers license at home. I immediately got tense and felt I needed to rush back to get it.  Then I remembered to just take a deep breathe, relax, saying to myself it is ok.  I changed my tense hurried state into a peaceful relaxed state. The "flow" then began. Driving back, I found a parking space easily and effortlessly. When I arrived to the Quest Lab they took me in right away. I waited honestly 2 minutes. She took my blood quickly and with zero discomfort. She did a great job. I felt in the flow with no resistance at all. My point is to find the flow and ride it.  It is a wonderful feeling!

"How can a man's life keep its course
If he will not let it flow?
Those who flow as life flows know
They need no other force:
They feel no wear, they feel no tear,
They need no mending, no repair."

"Great advice for living an unhurried life."
By  Witter Bynner

Monday, February 24, 2014

Set an intention and detach from outcome! It really works!

 Two things that I know work and sometimes I need to be reminded of doing. 1. Set an intention before you get the day started.  2. Be unattached to the outcome.

I did these two things today and had one of the most successful days actually went above and beyond from my original intention that I set for today.

I will celebrate my success! Success also breads success!

Has this ever happened to you?

"Live with out attachment by being generous.

 Let go of evaluating yourself on the basis of how much you've accumulate and what is in your financial portfolio. Stop putting a dollar value on all that you have and do. Let go of your need to get a "good deal" and choose instead to be a being of sharing. You'll be happily surprised by how nice it feels to simply change your belief that you're only successful if your making money. The less you focus on making a profit - instead shifting your energy to living your purpose in harmony with everyone else - the more money will flow to you and the more opportunities for generosity will be available to you"

By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I had the wealth matrix backwards

 So many of us have the wealth matrix backwards. I know I did, until I started listening to what successful people did to become successful. I remember when I had the opportunity to see Nik Halik speak a multi millionaire, astronaut, author and speaker.  Here are my notes from that day:

~ Nik Halik has 14 income streams

~ Script your life many of us are extras

~ Make your own personal economy

~ We are programmed to have just one source of income

~ Programmed to have debt, pay off debt,  and then programmed to retire

~ He says to never ever retire

~ What most people do:  Income then lifestyle    (that is financial cancer)

~ Wealth matrix= Income then Growth then Momentum then Lifestyle

~ Poorest people in the world  use hope and wish

~ You are in control of your investments

~ Learn to have cash-flow anywhere in the world

~ Make money anywhere in the world

~ We have an 8-11 year cycle

~ People have greed, fear and indecision and this can determine the market

~ Important to learn to have cash-flow

~ 70% of investments should be cash-flow based

~ 95% speculate in the market

~ Don't use income to speculate

~ If the stock market is up in January then the rest of the year is up including real estate

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Failure ~ Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich!

 "A student of this science had set his mind on making a certain business combination which seemed to him at the time to be very desirable, and he worked for some, weeks to bring it about. When the crucial time came, the thing failed in a perfectly inexplicable way; it was as if some unseen influence had been working secretly against him. He was not disappointed; on the contrary, he thanked God that his desire had been overruled, and went steadily on with a grateful mind. In a few weeks an opportunity so much better came his way that he wouldn't have made the first deal on any account; and he saw that a Mind which knew more that he knew had prevented him from losing the greater good by entangling himself with the lesser.

 That is the way every seeming failure will work out for you, if you keep your faith, hold to your purpose, have gratitude, and do every day, all that can be done that day, doing each separate act in a successful manner.

 When you make a failure, it is because you have not asked for enough: keep on, and a larger thing then you were seeking will certainly come to you. Remember this."

Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich!

Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it a Seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit ~ Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

How to get rich! By Wallace D. Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich

"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imagined by the thought.

Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and hold this picture in his thoughts with the fixed PURPOSE to get what he wants, and the unwavering FAITH that he does get what he wants, closing his mind against all that may tend to shake his purpose, dim his vision, or quench his faith.

And in addition to all this, we shall now see that he must live and act in a Certain Way."

By Wallace D Wattles ~ The Science of Getting Rich

Friday, February 21, 2014

Keith Cunningham the real "Rich Dad" Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad talks about in his famous book.

 Keith Cunningham is the real rich dad that Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad talks about in his famous book. I had the honor to hear him speak. He is only worth 100 million dollars or more. Here are my notes:

Billionaires schedule time to think.

Success is a lousy teacher.

Markets go up and down.

Business and investing is an intellectual sport.

Most people use their emotions when it comes to money.

Not asking questions is not good.

What could go right?

What could go wrong?

Can I live with the downside?

The power of thinking and the power of questions, most important part.

Debate, argue both sides.

Most of our mistakes where self inflicted.

The key to getting rich is to not do dumb things.

The goal isn't to get rich the goal is to get rich and keep it..

Don't lead with your money, lead with your education.


Keith Cunningham reads 3 books a week.

Life is like a university.

He paid 100 million for his university   ( he lost all his money at one time)

Everything you want lies outside of your comfort zone.

The only constant is change.

We let perfect get in the way of possible.

Learn how to keep your riches that is harder than making your riches.

The people with the best life have made the best choices.

How do you improve your choices? Learning/education.

Hell on earth is the man or woman you could have become.

Keith Cunningham talked about how he had a "thinking chair." This chair was specifically for his thinking time. He also had his special note pad and pen at this chair. He said wealthy people take the time to think and ponder.

Witty Quotes

"It's not enough to be in the right place at the right time, you must be the right person in the right place at the right time." ~ T. Harv Eker

"The key to success is to raise your own energy. When you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill 'em." ~ Stuart Wilde

"Feel the fear and do it anyways." ~ Susan Jeffers

"The bigger the "why" the easier the "how" ~ Jim Rohn

"Holding on to anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die." ~ Unknown

Do you have any favorite quotes to share?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Let your light shine!

 There is no such thing as an accident. Out of millions of sperms, YOU won the race! You are a unique human being with unique talents and gifts. It's time to use your gifts to share with the world. The world needs you! No time to shrink your light!

 Our comfort zone in life equals our money zone and health zone. Let's get out of the box and stretch ourselves. When that little negative voice starts, just say "thank you for sharing!"  The mind is a parachute keep it open. Your heart has answers. Stay in the present. Finish what you complete.

You are amazing in your life, believe it. What's stopping you from your potential?

The first step to change is awareness!

Everything is energy!

How you do anything is how you do everything! ~ T Harv. Eker

Why aren't people financially free? It's because we are creatures of habits.

There are 2 types of habits doing and not doing!

Work on the most important tool the mind!

― Max LucadoThe Christmas Candle- You weren't mass produced. You aren't an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the earth by the Master Craftsman.”


Talk about a high achiever! Take a ride with Shaun White!

What is Culture of High Achievers?

  A couple of years ago I heard TJ Hoisington author of  "If You Think You Can!" speak. A must read by the way. :)  He went on to talk about the qualities of high achievers. Here are my notes from that special occasion:

#1. Think like a high achiever. You get in life what you think about. Never use the word "can't." You "can" live your dreams. It is possible! Our minds are very powerful, it's very important to not lock on to negativity. Negative thoughts can creep in. Be careful on what you dwell on.

#2. High achievers are willing to take a calculated risk. Sometimes we just know with a certain level of faith. Live on faith and be courageous. Fear is false evidence appearing real. Fear is the anticipation of the event turning out wrong, which many times is false.

 Close your eyes and imagine the outcome in a positive way. When we play the positive image in our mine our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real or make believe.

#3. Take talents and maximize them. Know thyself and capitalize on strengths. Utilize natural talents and abilities. Figure out your strengths and apply. Find out what works and spend 80% of you time with that.

#4. High achievers are learners. They read and listen to personal development. Critical to your achievement. The mind cannot have 2 apposing ideas at the same time.  Personal development is more than just reading a book. It is applying what you have learned. Ask a lot of questions. Show empathy. Create a new reality. It's ok to be different.

#5. High achievers demand excellence. A transformed body can be a transformed life. When everyone is resting you are still going. Achievers want to succeed. Let's get real and cut the playing down. Rewards go to the top 10%. No settling for mediocracy. Achievers are not passive they don't just get by.
 How do you carry yourself? SMILE! Change your physiology. Study high achievers. Work hard with your family as you do your business.
 Get clear about what you want to achieve. When your excited about it limitations will disappear.

#6. High achievers are master interpreters. They see opportunities that others can't see. They take risk and see that failure is just a stepping stone.

Hope you enjoyed this! :) I just gobble this stuff up! Love it!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ping My URL ~ Review is a site where you may ping your personal website. They will ping it to 1569 different sites.

  I'm completely new to driving traffic to my website. If you know something I don't know please comment below. Does work? Are they authentic views to your website? How many times a day can you ping your site? I really don't know. Really the only thing I do know is that when I make a post on my blog and go to I get about 30 extra visits a day. If I post two blog posts and ping again I get between 40 and 60 extra visits a day.

 I'm new to all this terminology back links, pinging your website ect. ect.

Anyone have any insight?

Add url

Strategic planning! Is it ok to rewrite your 5 year vision statement?

  I think so! I wrote a 5 year vision statement and posted it back in 2013 and felt that there was some changes that needed to take place. I believe that it is ok, life changes and dreams change. Opportunities change! I love the quote by Joel "let go of what's not attracting you!"

So here is my new 5 year vision statement with just a couple of subtle changes. What is your 5 year vision statement?  It's important to post it so you may read each and every day. It's best when you wake up and when you go to sleep at night.

  We have retired Jeff’s mom and dad Judy and Eddie. We also retired my mom Barbara. They live a beautiful lifestyle. Their mortgages are paid for and they get to travel wherever they want, when they want to. They have no financial concerns.  We are all financially free. We have more passive income coming in, more than our bills.

 Jeff, Brooke and I live on the ocean with an infinity pool. Our home is custom made, I can smell the new paint and wood floors. Our kitchen is beautiful with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops. I can hear the ocean waves crashing now. 

Our children have their friends over often. Our children love their activities and are good at them. They are involved in music lessons, cheerleading, golfing, and snowboarding. What ever they choose we have the time freedom to support them.

 Our dog is so sweet she doesn't even bark in the background.

 We are leaving for our 3 month trip to Fiji packing our bags now.

 Jeff and I are healthy, eat healthy with our personal chef and work out regularly.

 We have a home in Fiji and in the mountains with the snow.

Jeff loves to eat sushi and is an excellent snowboarder. We go snowboarding often when we are visiting our mountain home.

We have traveled the world. We just got back from Spain were Jeff served a mission when he was 20.

Jeff and I have such an abundance of money we have built a rehab center for chemically dependent people.

We have also built a school with personal development as a main focus. A school that actually teaches how to survive in the real world and how to make smart choices with money. A school with compassionate teacher that teach well.

Our children are well educated and have traveled all around the world. They are strong in the gospel. They are confident and have completed the quantum leap program at peak potentials and are well prepared financially and spiritually to enjoy life.

All of the goals I have written out in the past have come to pass. The pictures on my dream board did manifest. I am truly thankful and grateful for all that LegalShield's personal development has taught me. What you think about does comes about!!! I’m living proof!