Sunday, April 6, 2014

Favorite Blog Post on Gratitude

One of my favorite posts on gratitude:

~I'm grateful for the children making noise outside, it means I have ears to hear.

~I'm grateful for the carpet that needs vacuuming, it means I have a home.

~I'm grateful for the expensive gas to put in my car it means I have a vehicle.

~I'm grateful for my electricity bill, it means I have lights to see when I'm at home.

~I'm grateful to do my laundry, it means I have clothes to wear.

~I'm grateful to clean my dirty dishes, it means I have food to eat.

~I'm grateful for my bills to pay, it means I have money.

~I'm grateful for the pain in my shoulder, it means I'm still alive.

What are you grateful for today? :)

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