Mission Statement: To add value to other people's lives and make a difference in their progression.
Friday, November 15, 2013
We are back selling on ebay! With well over 4000 positive feedback from buyers! Check out the newest Tablet!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
MMI or Millionaire Mind Intensive will be in our very own backyard Newport Beach CA this weekend July 12th, 13th, and 14th! You don't want to miss it!! It's a free 3 day jammed packed wealth building seminar that will change your life. This will be my 4th one!!
How to finally find out The ROOT cause of financial success, mediocrity, or failure - the very blueprint that determines our financial success practically from birth http://www.peakambassador.com/cmd.php?af=mmi22694&p=15
Question of the day: Do you know your money personality? Find out if you are a saver, spender, money monk, or avoider on this 5 minute Quiz http://www.peakambassador.com/cmd.php?af=mmi22694&p=mpquiz
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Appreciation And The Law of Attraction!
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Muhammad_Abdul_Haq]Muhammad Abdul Haq
The Law of Attraction works very easily. Whatever you put your attention on, it expands. Additionally - you get even more of what you concentrate on! Exactly what your attention leans on broadens! This is the very basis upon which the Law of Attraction works.
In order to completely use this law and have the life you wish, you have to be really mindful about where you are focusing. You should understand that all the favorable or unfavorable ideas you are having are innovative. The Law does not differentiates between favorable and unfavorable. If any idea is kept for a simple 60 seconds, the Law of Attraction right away starts to materialize that idea. Every time!
So despite exactly whatever you are considering, no matter what the issue is, it just takes 60 seconds to start materializing. This however appears terrific to the novice. Wow, 60 seconds to the life of your dreams. All you need to do is sit silently for 60 seconds, think of exactly what you want and the Law of Attraction will bring it to you easily.
Nevertheless, it gets a bit complex because many people who learn about the Law of Attraction think that they can envision living in a residence, driving a jaguar, having a jet and wedding a model and so on and afterwards simply relax and look for the easy lifestyle that will follow. Nonetheless, they fall short to understand that every idea is innovative - not simply the great ones!, if you imagine the life of your dreams for simply 60 seconds you start to manifest it.. This is entirely real. "Well", you could also state, "I have actually thought of living my dream life for a lot longer than 60 seconds". In reality I have actually dreamt about everything in my life in some cases investing hours lost in my fantasy and it still hasn't already become a reality".
Spending time envisioning your perfect life is terrific, however do you sustain those ideas throughout the rest of your day or do you grumble about how bad things are? My estimate is, if you do not have the life of your dreams, then you do the latter! These unfavorable ideas are imaginative and are thought by lot of people. They manifest even quicker if the ideas are backed with high feelings! You actually counteract the excellent work you have actually performed in your visualization. You are accumulating excellent things for yourself however with your dominant negative attitude, you are keeping them far from you!
Now, do not get me wrong, visualization is an exceptionally effective tool that can and will completely change your life, however just when you use it in accordance with the Law. The Law of Attraction constantly works. It never ever sleeps and it never ever falls short. It is an unbending Universal Concept. Every idea is imaginative. For that reason you should alter your dominant mental patterns prior to you can see any genuine and concrete cause by knowingly attempting to use this law.
So how do we do that?
By altering your focus. You should alter the means you see your world. See the world as a nasty, ruthless, money-grubbing intense place which is exactly what you will draw in even more of it. Start to try to find the charm that is around you. If you are not totally experiencing it in your own life now, look for the abundance even. Search for things you wish. Attempt to see all people who are presently taking pleasure in the life you wish to rejoice and live in their good luck.
Are you beginning to see the power of appreciation and how it can work marvels?
If however, you enable your attention and focus around things that are not working in your life then they will broaden and you will get even more of exactly what you do not wish. Consider this seriously. Offer some genuine reflection. Can you recognize moments in your life where this has taken place or is taking place now? The expressions in our daily language summarize this Doctrine, "it never ever rains however it pours", "when something fails, every little thing fails", " Murphy's law at work once again " and so on! Then you are in fact verifying that you do not have exactly what others do and concentrating your attention on your own deficiencies if you get jealous over an individual's good fortune! Nonetheless, by having appreciation for exactly what you do have and rejoicing in the others good luck, you are really concentrating your attention on exactly what you do want and exactly what you concentrate on, you get even more of that and exactly what you put your attention on broadens!
So be grateful for exactly what you do have. Be pleased for other peoples success. Program appreciation all the time and your focus will be on the favorable and your attention will be put on exactly what you want. When your attention is directly put on the things in life that you want and you do this with appreciation, your mindset will alter. So to keep you on track and in a mindset of appreciation, constantly bear in mind these 2 facets of the law.
If an idea is preserved for a plain 60 seconds, the Law of Attraction right away starts to manifest it.
Exactly what you concentrate on, you get even more of it and exactly what your attention leans on broadens!
My name is M Abdul Haq and the Law of Attraction is my specialty.
I believe that the Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal in the universe, and I have come to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that when we apply this Law CORRECTLY, anything is possible.
I am pleased to share with you the results of my life's research. It is my most sincere desire that you, too, learn to use the Law of Attraction to get everything that your heart desires. I am happy to share with you the missing secrets to making this universal law work and I wish you 100% success!
Visit http://perfectrealitynow.com/dreams-come-true/Home.html to Create Your Perfect Reality Now!
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Appreciation-And-The-Law-of-Attraction!&id=7826962] Appreciation And The Law of Attraction!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The First Key To Success: Be Specific About Your Goals And Dreams
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Paula_A_Parker]Paula A Parker
Everyone likes to set goals and to dream big, but actually reaching those goals and dreams is often difficult. One crucial problem may be that you aren't being specific enough when thinking about and articulating what it is you want to achieve.
It's hard to begin or maintain a goal when your objectives are too vague. Take a common goal of trying to lose weight. Many dieters fall into the "my objectives are too vague" category and it causes them to lose incentive. For instance, they may set a weight loss goal of losing 40 or 50 pounds, but then what? After a few weeks, with no real plan in place, they get discouraged.
By being specific and detailed about your goal, however, you increase your chances for success. You could set up a very specific goal of losing two pounds a week: one and a half pounds through diet, and a half pound through exercise. Now you can easily calculate how many calories you need to eat each day, and how much exercise you need to meet your weight loss goals.
Of course, this is only the beginning of the battle, but getting off on the right foot with a real and specific plan in place puts you ahead of the game and encourages you to stick with your goal. This simple but effective concept can be applied to any goal you have and will help you stay on the path to success.
Take another very common example. Some people when asked what they wish for most in life will say, "I want to be rich."
Okay, well, who doesn't? "One day I want to be rich" is a very enticing dream, but what road map can you follow to be rich? How do you even start to achieve such a vague goal?
Instead, you might set a more specific and definable goal of opening your own business. This, by the way, probably won't make you rich, but now you can see you have a real starting point. You are no longer living in dreamland. You now have something to work toward, something real to achieve.
And who knows, as you go along in the process of defining and achieving, you may find that your dreams change along with you. Maybe being wealthy really isn't that important to you, afterall. Maybe the personal satisfaction of starting and running your own business is achievement enough for you. And if you can make a decent living out of it, then you really have achieved something.
These are just two examples of how giving your goals and dreams specific details can help you get started on your way and increase you chances for success. It's okay to set big goals and have great expectations in life. Just remember, a dream will always remain a dream unless you can give it a specific and achievable definition.
Paula A. Parker is a freelance writer and owner of http://www.behappyzone.com where she writes inspirational articles about finding happiness and maintaining a positive outlook in life. You can read more about reaching goals in her article: [http://www.behappyzone.com/motivation.html]Keeping Your Dreams Alive
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-First-Key-To-Success:-Be-Specific-About-Your-Goals-And-Dreams&id=7827505] The First Key To Success: Be Specific About Your Goals And Dreams
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Gospel of Wealth
Daily meditation- Hose Silva one leader in the meditation education world says, to meditate once a day is good to meditate twice a day is better, to meditate 3 times a day is best.With mediation your goals and desires will manifest quicker. You will begin to have a more relaxed clear mind. Remember the more clarity we have with ours goals the easier we will obtain them. There are many on youtube. You may search for guided morning or evening meditations. Also, the ahhhhh and ohmmmm meditation is really good!!
Daily visualization- use all 5 of your senses making your visualization as real as possible. Our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real or make believe. So, basically when we visualize our subconscious mind thinks it is real. There are many guided visualizations on youtube. You may easily search search for them.. A lot of the times I play the visualization as I'm falling asleep. It is noted that what ever you put into your brain before you fall asleep will replay over and over in your mind. So put something positive in your brain. Turn off the constant negative news!!
Time management- This is very important and something I'm continually trying to master. Remember we are not perfect but always STRIVING to grow and learn. We are either growing or dieing mentally. Plan your day the night before. Get yourself an appointment book. If we don't manage our daily self disciplines guess what- the natural man that likes to be comfortable at all times will win and take over. It feels way to good to be comfortable and live in meritocracy. Don't let the natural idle man win. To reach success we much recognize when we are feeling comfortable and take the necessary steps to reach outside of our comfort zone -push through. Then we are growing. Success is right out side your comfort zone. Everyone has fear in life the difference between a successful person and someone who is not successful. They recognize their fear push through to the other side and succeed!
Listen to and read personal development -This is a must! This is your life blood. This is what will inspire you to continue your journey of reaching your goals. You will reach a higher intelligence that will last a life time. If you are not reading in your life then you are volunteering to be an illiterate. Read a minimum of 10 pages a day and at least listen to 15 minutes of personal. There is a tun of personal development audio on youtube. Take a look at one of my blog posts that has recommend books. Also on my facebook page I have most of the books that I have read. A gentlemen that I was listening to said he makes 100 million dollars a month and reads 3 hours a day!! Remember don't let your minimums be your maximums. If a coach or teacher tells you to do a certain amount of activity a day and you are doing the minimums each day that is actually one step up above failure. So use the razors edge and do more than what is required and witness faster results!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
SEO- Search engine optimization. It's a process of getting your website more visible to more people.
Free blogging authors -If your stuck on what to write on your blog here are some websites with authors that will let your use their ligature for FREE!!
www.wordpress.com- another free blogging platform
Free websites where you may advertise:
www.classifiedads.com (this one I liked the best)
www.craigslist.com (of course another favorite)
A great website where you can sign up with different companies as an affiliate to promote their websites and make $$ - www.clickbank.com
Highest paying add campaign, you will need to get approved -www.maxbounty.com
Find and evaluate businesses online worldwide with Alexa's web analytics. -www.alexa.com
The world's largest market place! Pay only $5 for small services online and more -www.fiverr.com
Where you may buy and sell websites. Many of the websites for sell are making a nice profit- www.flippa.com
Make an ecommerce website- www.shopify.com
His name is kinghuman and he has great insight about making money online. Check him out on utube as well - www.kinghuman.com
This girl is smart, she has amazing tips on how to build a website and make $$ - www.2createawebsite.com
There is more I will continue later. I hope this helps!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Let's Read!
Goal Setting is Really Important Right?
Here's my 5 year vision statement. Have you written your's today?
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
His name is Kinghuman and he's got some great ideas!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Meditation Techniques for Stress Treatment
By Holly Lane
Meditation is not just for those "new age" people who wear tie-dye and attend 5am yoga classes. No, these days, even type-A corporate types are acknowledging the therapeutic powers of meditation. In today's fast-paced world, we need every tool we can to combat stress and its negative effects. For that reason, we all owe it to ourselves to at least consider meditation as a viable option. If you are not sure about what meditation can do for you, then it's a great idea for you to try it out yourself, from the comfort of your own home. Here are some great meditation techniques for stress relief:
Finding a quiet place. Any good meditation must start with the right environment. The place you choose to meditate should be quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions. You don't need any special furniture, or equipment. You just need to be able to get away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world for a little while.
Simple breathing meditation. This technique is perfect for beginners, as it is a great way to learn how to get into the meditative mindset. Either sit Indian-style or lay down - whichever you prefer - and practice deep breathing. Close your eyes first, and then inhale as you concentrate on pulling air into the very base of your lungs. It helps if you visualize the air entering your body and filling your lungs from the bottom up. Consciously moving your diaphragm down as you breathe also helps you get the feel for this guttural type of breathing. Once you've taken in a slow breath and are sure you've filled your lungs to capacity, hold for just a couple of seconds (or as long as you are comfortable holding without straining), and then breathe out very slowly, being sure to dispel as much air as possible. Pulling your diaphragm up into your body helps clear your lungs fully. Concentrate only on your breathing and you will notice a change in the way your body feels. This is your foot in the door to the world of meditation.
Seeing the body. After you have mastered the deep breathing technique, you can work on learning to "see" the inside of your body with your eyes closed. Choose a color, and then - beginning at your toes and working your way up - imagine lighting up each portion of your body, one at a time, with that color. Different people report different things, but this practice should result in some sort of feeling in the part of the body you are envisioning - usually a warmth, tingling, or just a general awareness of that body part.
Following the mind's path. After deep breathing and acknowledging each part of your body, you should begin to feel as though you are sinking into your environment, or "floating" in some way. That means you have set the stage for either guided or free meditation. If you do not have a guided meditation to follow, then you may opt to just follow wherever your mind takes you. Just observe, acknowledge, and then release any thoughts that cross your mind. Do not judge. The point is to open yourself up to your subconscious so you can receive its communications.
By following these meditation techniques, you can greatly reduce your stress and improve your overall health and well being. And this is just the beginning. There is much more to meditation than you can even imagine, so hold on tight. You are in for a wonderful adventure.
Holly Lane is a single mother of two boys, a freelance writer, editor, writing consultant and communications specialist, and an avid learner. It is her goal to help others accomplish their dreams by sharing her experience. She has just released her first eBook, College with Kids, and is now offering it free if you visit her site.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Holly_Lane
Friday, June 14, 2013
It's Not As Bad As You May Think
By Adrienne Fikes
No matter what the issue. No matter what the circumstance, you are probably making it more than it is. Now listen to me. I know this because I do it too. The fatalistic thinking. The dramatization. The negative worry, doubt, fears and criticism. Your imagination is running wild thinking of all the ways this could go wrong and how things could get worse and why the sky is falling.
The sky isn't falling.
You have two choices. You can choose to keep spinning in circles screaming like a banshee and crying woe is me or you can choose to see that it is not as bad as you might think.
Before you make that choice perhaps you should take a few deep slow breaths. Even if you are not physically running, the breaths will slow down your racing mind.
Go ahead. Breathe. Slowly inhale. Smoothly exhale.
Again. Inhale.
One more time. Take a nice deep breath in.
Then release.
Don't you feel a bit calmer? Whoa, I'm not suggesting the problem is solved and the fire has stopped burning. We will get back to that. I'm just asking you to acknowledge that taking a moment to breathe has given you just a bit of calming space between you and this catastrophe. It didn't even take long to get there and now you are in a better place to make decisions.
Great. Now ask yourself if you really want to start spinning in circles again or if you are open to the possibility that it is not as bad as you might think?
If you need to spin in circles be honest about it. Sometimes there is purpose even in the spinning. Just don't get stuck there or suggest it's required to spin each time things go wrong.
Now if you choose to be open to the possibility that it is not as bad as you might think, let me remind you of what you want to do next.
1. Acknowledge That It Is What It Is
Whatever it is, however you feel, just acknowledge it. Be honest call it how you see it. It is okay to admit you're less than pleased. There's a really good chance that even if it is really bad it's not the end of the world the way you've imagined it. If you are blowing things out of proportion, give it a rest. That is exhausting and it solves nothing. Stop exaggerating.
2. Decide To Be Grateful Anyway
This might be a stretch at first but you can do it if you believe you can. Come up with real good reasons to be thankful despite whatever it is. Even if they are unrelated. Even if you have to start with small things. Even if you have to be thankful for the baby steps. Even if you have to reach back into recent memory. Do what you can to stay in this current moment and the current day. Just be grateful and give thanks. Appreciate the love all around you. Allow yourself to see the little things. Where is there joy in your life? How many things about your current moment can you be thankful for?
Once you acknowledge what it is and give yourself some convincing authentic reasons why you still have joy, go back and take a fresh look at your situation.
Is it as bad as you thought? Right. Even if it's still bad, your perspective has jumped into a more positive place. You have probably thought of a new step forward. And with a new step forward, with a path toward a better place, you can truly say in truth that it's not as bad as you thought.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adrienne_Fikes
Thursday, June 13, 2013
By Leo Foster
Learn How to Think like a Millionaire, start to Think like a Millionaire and you will become a Money Magnet, Make Money Fast and be a Millionaire.
- Self Image, the Basis of your Success.
Most likely, someone you know or heard about have already WASTED so much money and energy trying many different ways and schemes to make money fast, get rich and be a millionaire.
That person tried to make money online, make money at home, make money on eBay, work at home. He (or she) tried many ways to be a money magnet, become a successful money maker and attract financial success and a great deal of wealth. As he/she thought about making huge amounts of money, he/she bought all sorts of programs on real estate, investing and business opportunities.
Just like the GREAT majority of those who tried all those ventures, he/she FAILED miserably! And he/she will continue to fail unless and until he/she learns the closely guarded 'secret' of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires -- a 'secret' that must be learned and used by anyone who really has that burning desire to succeed and become rich. (You may want to read my previous article titled "Conversation with a Millionaire about the Millionaire mind and How to think like a Millionaire", which describes a TRUE story with the names changed to protect the privacy of the two persons involved in this fascinating conversation)
Why do all these well intentioned people FAIL so miserably?
These people do not know that when Napoleon Hill wrote in his best-seller "Think and Grow Rich" that "whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve", he was simply stating that each individual is CREATING HIS/HER OWN REALITY through the beliefs he/she holds in his/her Subconscious mind.
These beliefs make up the person's Self-Image. Self-Image is the key to success. Self-Image is the key to develop that coveted 'millionaire mind' which will allow you to be a successful money maker, a money magnet, make money fast, get rich and be a millionaire.
It is all about belief. You create your own reality through the beliefs you hold in your so-called Subconscious mind (which is really a Subconscious Computer.)
Your world is simply the 'materialization' of those beliefs as your physical reality.
The sad reality is that most people try to change things from the outside in. In simpler words, they fail to realize that they are creating their physical realities all day long by (1) the beliefs they hold in their subconscious computers and (2) the thoughts they constantly think as a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE of having those beliefs.
That means that the thoughts they think must be in the direction of their predominant beliefs -- which are predominantly beliefs in lack, scarcity and limitation.
Therefore, as long as the beliefs in poverty, lack and scarcity are lodged in their Subconscious minds, they will continue to think limited 'poverty' thoughts that will attract and create more of the same: more lack, more scarcity, more limitation.
If that were not enough, and to make things even worse, those beliefs and thoughts give rise automatically to feelings, attitudes and behaviors that will guarantee the person continues to FAIL.
Unless the person changes drastically what he/she believes, and therefore what he/she thinks about all day long and how he/she feels about those things, he/she will automatically do all the things necessary to GUARANTEE he/she will continue to FAIL. And everything will become hard and difficult in the financial area. Everything related to money will become a real struggle!
Beliefs are the real CAUSE of what we attract and create. Therefore, we can accurately state that beliefs are the building blocks of our reality.
The Self-Image is made up of thousands of different yet consistent beliefs.
The ONLY way to change one's Self-image is by changing one's beliefs!
If a person doesn't change his/her Self-Image (his/her beliefs)., will he/she continue to be a big-time LOSER?
The answer is... YES! And whatever he/she does will simply reinforce the failure pattern. This is a 'secret' the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires KNOW and you don't..
Changing a person's beliefs, which will automatically change a person's thoughts and thinking pattern, will change his/her Self-Image.
And these changes in his/her Self-Image will automatically result in DIFFERENT thinking patterns, feelings, attitudes and behaviors. And with the "right" changes in that loser Self-Image, a person will automatically start to think the thoughts and do all the 'right' things necessary for him/her to succeed. Everything will start to flow easily and almost effortlessly!
You are not using your mind power as you must. You are in a deep state of hypnosis, more accurately self-hypnosis, believing in all sorts of lack and limitations, holding in your subconscious computer all sorts of limiting, restricted, destructive, useless beliefs. And in such a terrible state of mind, you will continue to attract and create all sorts of limitations and difficulties for yourself.
That is why it is CRITICAL to realize that, unless YOU make these radical changes in YOUR loser Self-Image, nothing YOU do will make YOU a winner, nothing YOU do will allow YOU to attract the wealth and riches YOU dream about.
Do you really, really believe you are going to succeed with that lousy, limited, inadequate, LOSER Self-Image you now have?
Do you really, really believe you are going to think like a millionaire, be a money maker, a money magnet, get rich and become a millionaire with that lousy LOSER Self-Image made up of so many limiting, useless beliefs in lack, scarcity, limitation, failure?
STOP KIDDING YOURSELF... because what you NOW believe and think (your current loser Self-Image) can and shall only materialize more lack, scarcity, limitation and failure in your life.
That is why 990 out of every 1,000 persons who go into business to make huge sums of money quit after a short time -- and many times cannot even gather enough energy to get started.
Maybe you are one of them?
I will finish this article by giving you a FUN technique to help you change your Self-Image so that, instead of being a CRAP magnet, you become a magnet to money, wealth and riches.
I am letting you know that this technique will work wonders to eliminate any limiting belief. But, FIRST, you must identify the damaging, destructive limiting beliefs you now hold in your subconscious computer and that you want to eliminate. Practicing this technique while in the state of self-hypnosis, will increase its effectiveness a thousand-fold.
So that you gain a quick understanding of how to use this technique, let me give you an example.
FIRST THINGS FIRST - Identify some of your most damaging, limiting beliefs
There are many methods to identify limiting beliefs. You can find them in many places on the net and in many books. Therefore, I will not go into these details in this article.
Let's say you found that your most damaging, limiting beliefs regarding money and your finances are:
1. Money is so hard to make/earn
2. It is real difficult for me to make/earn money.
3. I repel money.
4. I don't know how to make money (or When it comes to making money, I am useless, totally inadequate)
5. I will never make lots of money.
6. I just don't have the smarts to make lots of money
7. I always had bad luck.
The Technique I am presenting here has FOUR steps -- to be done AFTER you identified the most damaging, limiting beliefs you have.
-- STEP ONE -- Write a short script of how you want things to be (PRESENT TENSE)
In other words, write a short and clear script of how things would look like and be like in your life RIGHT NOW if you did NOT have all those limiting beliefs. Write is as if it were happening TODAY, RIGHT NOW!
Here is what I would write in a case like this (notice that I ATTACK each of the limiting beliefs cited above, one by one):
-- Example - Step ONE
"The fellow who said that money is so hard to make must be crazy. That is total nonsense. More than that, it is absolutely RIDICULOUS. For ME, it is real easy to make money. I feel so happy right now because it is extremely easy and fun for ME to make money, lots of money. I am a money magnet. I attract money like a magnet. I am an irresistible magnet to money. And I do know how to make money. Every day I get better and better at making money. It is amazing! I don't even know how, but somehow, I ALWAYS manage to find the ways to make lots of money quickly and easily. And every day I am becoming more and more financially prosperous. I am smart enough to make lots of money. I have what it takes for ME to make lots of money. And I am so lucky when it comes to money. Now that I think about it, I am so lucky in just about everything. And I FEEL so happy!"
-- STEP TWO - Write a script of how things were in the PAST.
When you write this part, refer to your past as something that happened a LONG, LONG time ago! The goal is to convince yourself and your subconscious mind that all these things being described are about something that happened a long, VERY LONG time ago! (Those familiar with NLP will see here elements of "time-distortion" and also re-wiring the past.)
-- Example - Step TWO
"There was time in the past, A LONG TIME AGO, when I believed that making money was hard, real hard. And indeed, A LONG TIME AGO IN THE PAST it was real hard and difficult for me to make money to the point where I always was short of money. Somehow, I was actually repelling money. In the past, I believed I was a real CRAP magnet. And In those days of LONG AGO, I used to walk along with the constant beliefs and thoughts in my head that I did not know how to make money, that when it came to making money I was totally useless, a real dummy. In those days of LONG AGO, I really had all those ridiculous beliefs that I was not smart enough to make lots of money and I would look at the rich people around me and I would tell myself that "I would never be able to get rich like they did because I was not smart enough like they were. And whenever things went wrong, I would always tell myself that I was so unlucky, that I did not have any luck at all."
-- STEP THREE - Start to ERASE, ELIMINATE all those useless beliefs.
Your goal here is to convince yourself and your subconscious mind that all those beliefs belong to your REMOTE PAST and are NO LONGER TRUE!
Here you tell yourself that you believed those useless things a LONG, LONG TIME ago in a very REMOTE PAST, and that past was now disappearing in the shadows of the things that were and that are NO MORE! And that you do NOT believe in all that nonsense anymore.
-- Example - Step THREE
"But I no longer believe in so much nonsense, because all those limiting beliefs were the beliefs I used to believe a LONG, LONG time ago! And I no longer believe in such TOTALLY RIDICULOUS things. They all belong to my REMOTE PAST, a past of so LONG AGO that it is disappearing in the shadows of time. They belong to a time so long ago, that I can not see them anymore. It is even becoming harder and harder to remember them. They are being lost in the shadows of the past, of the things and events that no longer exist, that are simply old memories that have no effect on me any longer. They are gone forever. They belong to my REMOTE past. They are being covered by the shadows of time and I cannot see them or even remember them anymore. It is as if they were being covered by a big, dense dark mist and disappear in the darkness of the past. It is as if a big, giant hand is wiping them out completely out of existence and I cannot see or remember them anymore. They do not affect me any more. They lost all their power over me because they simply disappear forever in the shadows of time. Those are the beliefs I had a long, long, VERY long time ago! But they are now DEAD, they are gone forever."
-- STEP FOUR - Repeat script from Step One (your PRESENT)
Here you simply reinforce what is happening in your present, RIGHT NOW.
And you do this by repeating the script you prepared for Step One.
- - Let's summarize the entire FOUR-STEP PROCESS.
Get yourself in a very comfortable position, at a place and time when no one is going to disturb you. Close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and relax your body as much as possible.
Then, with your eyes closed, slowly, go over the scripts described above Step One, Step Two, Step three and Step One again). This technique is MORE effective when you memorize these short scripts BEFORE you practice. It will be even MORE effective if you do this while in a self-hypnotic trance state.
You may also record your scripts on a CD and it them to yourself while in a deeply relaxed state with your eyes closed.
You will notice that you can apply this FOUR-STEP Process anywhere anytime to ANY limiting beliefs that you may encounter in your daily life.
You can use the entire FOUR-STEP PROCESS even for just ONE belief at a time!
Enjoy this technique
Leo Foster.
Leo Foster
Getting rich and being a Millionaire can be EASY and also FUN using techniques as the one described in this article. At our website at
You will find the best techniques and tools available to download into your brain cells the Millionaire Mind of the super rich so that you can start believing, thinking and behaving like the multimillionaires and billionaires, and achieve the results they get.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leo_Foster
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Panic Away - End Anxiety Through Meditation!
Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself.
The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices (much like the term sports) that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and develop compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. A particularly ambitious form of meditation aims at effortlessly sustained single-pointed concentration single-pointed analysis, meant to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity.
The word meditation carries different meanings in different contexts. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs. Meditation often involves an internal effort to self-regulate the mind in some way. Meditation is often used to clear the mind and ease many health issues, such as high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. It may be done sitting, or in an active way - for instance, Buddhist monks involve awareness in their day-to-day activities as a form of mind-training. Prayer beads or other ritual objects are commonly used during meditation in order to keep track of or remind the practitioner about some aspect of the training.
Meditation may involve generating an emotional state for the purpose of analyzing that state — such as anger, hatred, etc. — or cultivating particular mental response to various phenomena, such as compassion. The term "meditation" can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state. Meditation may also involve repeating a mantra and closing the eyes. The mantra is chosen based on its suitability to the individual mediator. Meditation has a calming effect and directs awareness inward until pure awareness is achieved, described as "being awake inside without being aware of anything except awareness itself." In brief, there are dozens of specific styles of meditation practice, and many different types of activity commonly referred to as meditative practices. Click Here!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Define Gratitude ~ What does it mean to you?
Thank you
for giving me time to serve
giving me food
giving me the gospel
giving me my family
giving me my home on Balboa Island
giving me time to spend with Brooke
giving me millions of dollars to donate and spend freely
giving me my friends
giving me time to travel
giving me money to retire my family
giving me great communication skills
giving me a fun persoanlity
giving me clothes
givining me a home in Fiji
giving me a home on the beach in Newport
giving me humbleness and meekness
giving me miracles on earth
giving me love
giving me an eternal companion
giving me an ipad
giving me a computer that runs fast

Monday, May 13, 2013
Strategic planning! Have you written a five year vision statement yet?
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Filing Bankruptcy ~ NOT!
I was almost bankrupt in 2009. I had 200,000.00 in debt. That's not two thousand or even twenty thousand that was literally two hundred thousand in debt. The more profit that came in from my business the more I spent. My mindset was completely off!! I had a very successful ebay business for about 7 years honestly netting between 10 and 15 thousand dollars a month. I thought this income would never end. I didn't understand the cycles of businesses or the cycles of products and I was a SPENDER. Having this business was a huge learning experience for me.
What I have learned from my current LegalShield Business for the last 3 years is you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with. Take a look at the 5 people you hang out with the most. What do their lives and finances look like? If they are broke I guess you are broke as well. Something I had to learn for myself. I had to stop taking advice from my broke friends.
I wanted true success in my life. What I learned is I had to surround myself with people that had the things that I wanted. Like attracts like. Success breads success. LegalShield has taught me to read at least 10 pages of a personal development book a day and listen to personal development audio at least 10 minutes a day. This daily activity has changed my life from a broke mindset to a wealthy mindset.
Surround yourself with positive inspiring people. People that build you up, not bring you down. This philosophy has changed my life from a broke mind set to having a goal of being financially free in the next 5 years!!
As I have read over 20 personal development books in the last 2 year such as Secrets to the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv. Eker and have attended personal development seminars my life has completely changed. My thoughts are more positive than ever. Thoughts lead to feelings that lead to actions that lead to results. What I have found is it all starts with your thoughts. Are they positive empowering thoughts or negative self defeating thoughts?
As I am starting this new blog I believe with my story I can help others that are going through what I have gone through. I can help strengthen you and others. There is light at the end of what seems to be a failure, but actually it is preparing you for something so much better!! I promise!!
I will be recommending other books and seminars as I continue to blog. Here is a very inspiring lady that has helped me tremendously. I encourage you to check her out. Her name is Christie Marie Sheldon.
Unlimited Abundance by Christie Marie Sheldon:
Thursday, May 9, 2013
"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker is my absolute favorite book. This book has completely changed my life from a broke mindset to creating a wealthy mindset. My husband and I have been to three of his MMI courses which is a free 3 day seminar. His book is life changing and his MMI seminar is even more life changing. They also have an ambassador program. When you refer someone to their events you may get a referral fee. A couple of years ago I referred some friends, they signed up for their bigger courses and I had over $270.00 in referral fees owed to me. I was really excited, didn't even expect it. Unfortunately for 2 years they gave me the run around in paying. They have brought so much value to my life so in my heart I was forgiving them. Then just two days ago I get the following email from them. Now, truly I have forgiven them. They are giving me and a guest to one of their bigger courses that is literately worth thousands of dollars. Well over a $6000.00 value!! I'm so excited!!! My husband and I are choosing the "Never work again course" Down below is a link to a free PDF copy of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker or you can google it! I'm a money magnet thank you, thank you!!
We're here, Ambassadors.
And we're beyond sorry.
As you may know, we have been making some staffing
changes. As a result we have been out of communication
with our Ambassadors. We are very sorry that it happened
and give you our word that it will not happen again.
Unfortunately, we are experiencing a delay in our commission
payments. The error has now been resolved and we are
working on processing the backlog of commission payments.
Unfortunately our system won't allow us to say when they
will all be resolved.
Ambassadors who have been with us now for many years
know that we have a reputation for coming through and
paying commissions. Please be assured that we remain
completely committed to that.
Rest assured that we will review all of our processes to
identify what went wrong, and plan to put systems in place
to prevent this from happening again.
We love and appreciate each and every one of you and
the support that you've provided to us over the years.
We want to make things better. Since we can't commit to
a payment date, we'd like to offer you and a guest a
tuition scholarship to one of our upcoming 2013 courses.
No strings, just a make-good offer.
You may choose what you'd like to attend; please come
as our guest to one of the following:
** Guerrilla Business School:
May 15 - 19 in Los Angeles, CA
** Extreme Health:
June 20 - 23 in Los Angeles, CA
** Freedom Trader Intensive:
June 28 - 29 in Orlando, FL
November 8 - 9 in Los Angeles, CA
** The World's Greatest Marketing Seminar:
September 11 - 15 in Los Angeles, CA
** Never Work Again:
December 5 - 8 in Palm Desert, CA
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has
caused you, and greatly appreciate your patience.
To your success,
Peak Potentials